Chapter 2

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In her past life, Erine has encountered such odd occurrences. One of the many peculiar things involves a cat and a lake. It's just another morning stroll, one of which she assumed an encounter of otherworldly matter.

The bridge atop the silent rippling water of the lake looks somewhat empty, even in a bustling day in a hot summer, there are hardly any passersby who dared to wander off at the border, to where a seemingly mysterious forest lies. Between the highway and the forest, the late is an underlying boundary that separates both in a safe distance.

Erine made it a habit to come to the place, if not every day, her visits are a frequent pattern.

A cat was at the edge of the road, a slope matted with long untrimmed grasses. The appearance of the cat was long forgotten, but at that time, Erine's chest twisted into something painful, as the long figure of the little animal continues to overwhelm her. Before she knew it, she was already hopping over the railings, the pointed field stabbing her knees and thighs as she made a careless leap.

The cat whose color she couldn't remember has one thing that stood up the most, was those aquamarine coloured eyes, it vanished before she could even save it.

After she didn't chase any cats anymore.

It might be a hallucination, similar to what she saw this morning. For a moment, Erine thought Luke was a stranger.

Well, if there's no reasonable explanation, it's better not to dwell in any assumptions. Although she looked as firm as stone, she was at the brink of losing her sanity.

The whole section was almost the same, clamorous and horrifyingly disruptive. Instead of a school, it bears the resemblance of chaotic species shoved inside a cage.

Even if the said students are an entire circus, anything else inside the academy is extravagant and in good condition. The school comprises four buildings. Upon entering the campus, if one is to turn left, there is a three-storey building, is a separate establishment for middle-schoolers. Out of the three, they were the loudest, who frequent the school court for, at times, unnecessary programs.

The second building, considered as the main and middle branch, to where highschool is located. Since this department was more adept to club activities and sports festivals, there was an extension of basketball court and a multi-purpose stage theatre in each side of the building. Which made it convenient.

The third building, designated for college students was the second largest of the bunch. It would have been far bigger if it weren't for the limited offer of courses. Unlike most teachers in the former building, the professors here were an actual terror. High school and middle schoolers are not permitted to go inside unless for important activities.

Next year, Luke would be starting his college. And that would be the year that she would spot him less frequently.

Maybe she had gotten sick seeing him all time, Erine felt less lonely by the idea.

"Come on, just a bit is fine."

"Have you heard the first bell? If we couldn't get to class by ten minutes we're doomed."

"But I want to see!"

Erine sighed.

At first, she was thinking of hiding herself. The two voices she overheard belonged to someone familiar. But you couldn't expect much from an empty hallway. Just like that, she was immediately spotted.

"You're late." The first one to talk is called Michelle, anyone could easily spot her by her tall frame and cold demeanor, her eyes are large in size but eyelids are droopy, making her eyes to appear small. Prefers to be called Mich by close friends. There are only quite a few in her social circle that truly understood her, Erine was among the closest ones. Despite having a large number of admires, Mich remains unapproachable, it's because she always has this solemn look.

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