Bedtime Stories

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I finish two thirds of the pasta and smile at my small accomplishment. Especially when I see that Phil is happy I liked it. I'm glad I made him happy. Once I have washed up both of our dishes and dried them up and put them away, Phil and I head into my bedroom. Phil hands me some pyjamas because mine aren't thick enough for winter. He leaves me to get changed before coming back in with his own pyjamas on as well. He tells me to get into bed which I do and then he sits beside me and hands me my book. "Why don't you read as much as you can from the beginning?" He suggests.

I nod and open up the book to begin reading. "Okay, 'Chapter One, Down the Rabbit-hole. Alice was be- beginning to get very t-tired of sitting by her sitter-' um, no, sorry, 'sister on the bark- bank, and of hap- have- having no thing to do; on- one- once or twice she had pecked- peeped into the book her sister was red- reading, but it had no pitters-' oh god that's not even a word, err, 'pick- picterrs- pictures or convo- converse- conversations in it, "and what is the us- use of a book," throw- though- thought Alice, "wit- without pictures or c-conversations?"' Oh god that was the longest sentence I have ever bloody read." I complain, feeling so embarrassed.

"It's okay, you were doing well." Phil says, smiling at me gently.

"In what planet was that 'okay'?" I ask but I'm not angry, I'm just upset. Because the story is actually really nice and I'm ruining it for Phil.

"Really, you were doing just fine." He assures. I just hang my head in shame and close the book. I'm sorry Lewis Carroll but I cannot continue to read as I am ruining the perfection of your wonderful story. "Hey, come on, it wasn't that bad." Phil Coles gently and he lifts my head up to face him. "What's the matter?"

"I just, I feel so stupid." I mumbled, looking back down again as soon as I've answered. "Everyone else can read and I just can't."

"I know how you feel." He says and gestures to his wheelchair sitting next to the bed. Realisation hits me and I feel like a jerk because I have no reason to complain when other people have it worse off.

"I'm sorry, I'm being selfish and whiney." I apologise.

"Hey, don't be sad. You're not being selfish. You can't help having feelings, they make you human. I don't mind if you want to just vent at me. I'll always listen." His voice is soft and caring, I subconsciously feel myself lean closer to him so that my head is resting on his broad shoulder. When I realise what I have done I'm about to move away but then Phil wraps an arm around my shoulders and holds me against him. "Do you want to try another sentence?" He asks and I nod because it's the only way to improve.

"Okay, I can do this." I assure myself quietly as I open the book back up. "Um, where was I? Um, okay. 'So she was co- consib- consider ring in her owe- own mine-ed (as well as she cold- could, for the hot day mad- made her feel very step- sleep-y and stup- stupid), with- whether the plus- please- pleasure of mack- making a das- days- daisy-chain would be wort- worth the triple-trib- trouble of getting up and peck-picking the daisies, wan-when sodden- suddenly a Whit-e Rabbit with pink ear- eyes ran close by her.' I think that's enough." I say when I finish reading the second sentence.

"That's okay, you did wonderfully." Phil tells me his obvious lie.

"Yeah." I reply sarcastically.

"I mean it, Dan, you were amazing." He says firmly and lifts my head so I'm looking him in the eyes. "You are amazing."

I blush and avert my gaze down to the plain whit bed sheets on top of me. "Thank you. You're very kind." I tell him truthfully.

"And you are sweeter than sugar. What I'm wondering is what was so bad to make such a sweet boy so upset earlier." He says and I realise what he just did.

"I told you, I was thinking." I say. "Just about stupid things. Memories. It's not important." I yawn lightly at the end of my sentence.

"Of course it's important." Phil insists. "But it's been a long day. Get some rest and we can talk tomorrow." He gets up off of the bed and I shuffle about so that I am lying down. "Goodnight, Dan." He says softly before walking over to the door and turning the light off.

"Night, Phil." I reply and yawn one more time before feeling my eyes flutter shut.

I'm tired and I'm too scared to sleep but I shut my eyes, close down my body, and simply let my thoughts run wild.

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