Chapter 3

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Once documentation was sent over and the explanation added, the FMCR was on it like a flee on a cat. It was enough evidence to suspend Endeavor's licence rights so he could nolonger purchase or handle his beasts. Investigators were sent out, many at Endeavor's ranch and one to yours. The moment you were notified that the investigator would come you waited outside the ranch for them. Both Mirio and Fatgum were informed and joined you soon after. Once the investigator had arrived you all settled down. The guy had traveled in a carriage of peguses. The male stepped out, having short black hair and dark brown eyes. He wore a t-shirt and sweats with combat boots. He carried a camera and a notepad.

"Hello, it's great to have you here. I'm Y/n the ranch owner" You greeted showing your licence as identification to the investigator.

"Greetings to you as well, I'm investigator Westearn. Anything I should be aware of before I check things out?" The investigator asked glancing over the licence.

"Just a kitsune, though he should be fine as long as you don't cause trouble" you notified, tucking the licence in your pocket, "This here is Mirio my ranch hand and Taishiro Toyomitsu the one who brought the merman here".

"I see, let's go then. Was the merman treated right away?" He asked as he began to walk onto the ranch, pulling out his notepad.

"As soon as possible, though some wounds looked like they were some days old. Like his guil damage was trying to heal wrong" You answered handing over pictures of the ingures Fatgum took.

The investigator wrote down some notes, as he glanced over the pictures. You three slowly lead him to the tanks as he scribbled down notes on the pictures. Once he was done he stuffed the pictures in his pocket. The man huffed as he combed his fingers through his hair, continuing to walk with the both of you. Once at the tank it was clear to see the bicolored merman who laid at the bottom of the tank.

"This is him? Why confind him to the holding chamber then the bigger end of the tank?" The investagator asked.

"Because I feared that if I opened the rest of the tank to him he may have hurt himself. The rest of the tank hasn't been fully test for safety and it's not a something I wanted to risk. I wanted him to heal properly" You answered.

Upon hearing your voice the merman looked up at the four of you. A flicker of confusion casted upon his face before it turned to an emotionless expression. He then swam to the side of which we looked down at him, making it harder to see him as he rested in the corner.

"Have you followed up on the treatment?" The investagator.

"Not yet, we just started yesterday" Fatgum replied.

"Can you bring him up here?" The investagator asked.

"Not sure, we haven't tried and he doesn't seem fond of anyone" Mirio answered.

"I see. I've seen enough to write my report. I'll update you on whats to happen" the investagator.

"Alright, thank you for your time" You said shaking his hand.

"It's my job" he answered walking away.

You sighed, setting down nexted to the tank. Looking down at the merman who seemed to only look at the ground, his hair floating in the water. Mirio followed the investagator out as Fatgum joined you, gazing between you and the merman. He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into a side hug.

"Thanks for the help" Fatgum thanked.

"It's no problem. Anyone would have done the same. It's just crazy how this is all happening. How are you even to act in these kinds of situations?" You told him, a small smile on your face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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