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Song of the chapter:
Afterglow- Ed Sheeran

"UNBELIEVABLE!" Professor McGonagall shouted, causing Scorpius and Rose to jump up off the cold stone floor. Thank Merlin they had somehow managed to pull their clothes back on before falling asleep the night before. The only thing worse than getting caught by McGonagall would be getting caught naked.

"Professor-" Scorpius began, but she gave him no time to speak.

"You'll have enough time to explain yourself after I'm done with you," the angry, ancient women huffed. "How DARE you disobey the simplest of rules! You were both to do your rounds and report back to me. It could not have been more simple! I gave you both an hour and assumed you were just caught up doing work. But after two, and then three hours passed, I became very worried for your safety! I could not find either of you anywhere, and finally Albus told me you were in the Chamber of Secrets, of all places. Naturally, I was very concerned. The Chamber hasn't been used for years! I thought... well, I don't know what I thought. But I thought whatever it was must have been life-threatening to keep my two best students from doing their work. I could not have been more wrong!" She paced back and forth, hands on her hips. "To find you in this... situation together... sleeping next to one another... I can only assume..."

Professor McGonagall dramatically placed the back of her hand on her forehead, like finding two sixteen year olds together was the most scandalous thing to ever happen in her life. After several more minutes muttering about "the complete lack of respect" and "the audacity," Scorpius and Rose were finally able to follow her to her office, where they'd be able to explain what happened.

It was silent for a minute, neither of them quite sure what to say. Finally, Scorpius cleared his throat and timidly spoke up. "Professor, let me start by saying how very... sorry... we both are." He looked at Rose. "It was all my fault. Please don't blame Rosie. You see, growing up in our parents' shadows is quite difficult. All we wanted to do was have our own adventure. We really didn't mean to... fall asleep... and miss our rounds."

Rose shook her head. "No, it was my fault, not his. But please don't think any less of us, Professor. I'm so, so sorry. I promise it won't happen again. Please don't tell our parents. They'd never let us be together," she pleaded desperately.

McGonagall sighed, and a twinge of sadness appeared on her face. "I am truly sorry, Miss Weasley, Mr. Malfoy. The letters have already been sent. Oh, I do feel bad now! On the bright side you won't be receiving detention," she offered.

Scorpius's face fell into his hands. "Your parents are going to kill me, Rosie," he said, defeated. She reached over and grabbed his hand.

"It'll be okay." She forced a smile.

McGonagall looked at the two sad sixth years in front of her. "It's too late now to write your parents and tell them not to come anymore. I expect they'll be here any minute. I am sorry."

Scorpius and Rose sat in the two chairs in front of the desk, silently waiting for their parents to arrive. A moment later, McGonagall's fireplace made a cracking noise and Draco Malfoy appeared, looking tired yet well dressed as always.

He sighed in relief as soon as he saw his son, and went over to place his hand on his shoulder. "I'm so glad you're alright. What happened?" Draco looked at Rose as well. "Hello, Miss Granger-Weasley. How are you doing?"

She smiled. "I'm alright, thank you," she said, even though he could tell she was nervous to see her parents.

McGonagall smiled at Draco. "Mr. Malfoy."

He bowed his head. "Hello, Professor, it is nice to see you, though I wish it were a different occasion. Are we waiting on Ron and Hermione to arrive to discuss what happened?"

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