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Chapter 1

Nikky's POV

Sitting with my mum in a traffic on a sunny saturday morning is not a pleasant thing to experience.

Sweat dripping down my face despite the cool temperature inside the car.
The sun,the black color of the car definitely played a role but were not the major reason why I'm sweating.

I'm trying to sweat out my fear which is close to impossible. Traveling across a wide kilometer to face another phase in my life is scaring me right now.

I gripped the chair soo tight trying soo hard to shake off the fear that has found its way to my mind.

I'm not sure if I'm ready for this change but I don't think there's something I can do about it now.
I sat still and stared at nothing even when I am sleep deprived.

"How did I actually end up here, nervous with heavy eyelids, let's do a quick flashback".

"Nikky!!!!,Do you know what time it is?"Naomi shouted as she entered my room.

I turned and yawned as I tried blocking out the noise.
"Look,mum is almost ready and it's half past 11."

I gasped as I threw my blanket away from my body,I glanced through the table clock on my nightstand and she was right.

I rushed into my bathroom to take a quick shower to avoid getting into trouble with mum.

This is what I get for waking up late when I know that I'm to resume tomorrow...

I should have woken up earlier but I slept late last night making sure that ever single thing is in order
Because mum doesn't give a single room for mistakes.

I took the clothes I left behind to wear today and wore it as quick as I could.
I rushed down the stairs to receive a glare from mum

"Your excuse?" Mum asked with the eyes that says' don't even think about speaking'.

I down cast my eyes because seriously, I have no excuse. I slept late because I had to repack and make sure nothing is left behind to please 'Her Majesty' is no excuse.

So where are we....Oh!!! Yeah still sitting in the car with mum and stuck in a traffic.

The traffic wasn't really heavy so soon enough it cleared out.

Few hours later, the car came to a halt in front of a large tall gate and the fence surrounded with flowers.
The gate was the first thing to grab my attention.
I mean,why is it soo tall?

I've got to admit that the school is beautiful and the beautifully scented flowers surrounding the admin block made it soo homely. I felt myself relaxing a bit.

I got into the admin block with my mum and we had everything cleared out.

"Nikky, I won't be seeing you off to your dorm because I have a very important place to be."Mum said.

"I can find my way around"I told her even when I know that carrying my luggage is the number one problem on my list.
I hugged her as she started 'her lectures'.
I got my luggage dropped from the car and waved at her as she reversed the car and drove away

Now, how to solve problem number one. Should I carry them all at once?which I know I can't because that's definitely suicidal.
Or should I take my backpack and one of my three boxes and come back for the rest?

I brought out the school map to see how far my dorm is from the admin building.

Unfortunately, my dorm is the farthest dorm in the whole school.
"Wow. Aren't I just a lucky one?" I said to myself while rolling my eyes at the sarcasm.

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