Nothing will be the same as before

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February 20, 2007
Exactly 2 days after Britney's mental breakdown

She spent last two days crying in her room. She was alone. In her hardest moments in her life, everyone left her.
There was no one to help her.
Instead of trying to find a way to help her, people were laughing at her.
She had no one to talk to and share her feeling with.

She was lying on the bed when she heard a knock on the door.
She walked down to open the door but tears still streamed down her cheek.
When she opened the door she saw a person. It was a woman with a black hair and blue eyes.
Britney had no idea who that lady is so she was just looking at her and waiting what she's gonna say.
"Hi, I'm Katheryn, nice to meet you."
Britney ~
"I'm Britney, nice to meet you too"
Katheryn ~
"Look, I know you have no idea who I am, but I just wanna let you know that you're not alone."
Britney ~
"What do you mean?"
and she wiped a tear that had just run down her face.
" I know that I may confusing you right now, but you have to listen to me."
Britney ~
"Um, ok, go on."
"I heard that they wanna to take you to a psychiatric hospital."
"You have to get outa of here."
Britney ~
"What?!" "But I have nowhere to go."
"You can go with me," said Katheryn.
Britney ~
"Ok, but I need to pack things up."
Katheryn ~
"I'll help you."

Then they started packing.
30minutes after, they came out of Britney's house.
They got in the Katheryn's purple
cabriolet and left.

Story about girl named BritneyWhere stories live. Discover now