Nomination/Tag I:

21 1 0


1) What film/movie do you like best?

2) What is your favorite series?

3) What is your favorite book?

4) What is your favorite song?

5) If you know Star Wars:

What is your favorite joke?

6) Do you like Star Wars?

7) Do you like the MCU?

8) Does, "I have a really bad feeling about this." sound familiar?

9) What is your favorite food?

10) Do you prefer gummy bears or chocolate?

11) Do you prefer cake or tarts?

12) Are you a Potterhead?

13) Are you a Fangirl Forever?

14) Tag 5 people.



) Star Wars! Especially the prequels!!

2) NCIS, Rebels, or Clone Wars. It's a three way tie.

3) Hunger Games, Divergent, or The Mortal Instruments.

4) Currently House of Gold by 21 Pilots. Of course that'll change by tomorrow morning.

5) I love them all equally!

6) Like it? I love it!!

7) I've never watched the movies, but I might soon. My friend wants me to, and she's super convincing.

8) Of course!!

9) Noodles...

10) Can I count Sour Trolli Gummy Worms as gummy bears? Cause if so gummy bears. If not chocolate.

11) Cakeeeeee.

12) Nope. Never read or watched anything. Although that might change soon for the same girl who wants me to check into the MCU world.

13) I'm not quite sure what that is, but I'm assuming it means if I'm a fan girl over something. If so, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Leia, Han, Poe...? You there? Please come marry me...


Sorry for dragging you guys into this!!

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