Nomination/Tag II:

13 0 3

I was tagged, so here's what you'll write.


1. Who tagged you?

2. What's your middle name?

3. What's your favorite color?

4. What do you look like?

5. What is something you want to change about yourself?

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

7. Future job?

8. If you could meet anyone, who would it be?

9. Who's an underappreciated Wattpad person?

10. Any advice you'd offer?

Tag 5 persons


1. actuallyjackie

2. Gabriella

3. Green

4. Hair is just below chin, an ombre brown blonde. Hazel eyes that prefer green. Short at 5'1.

5. My feetsies

6. Fresh out of college, living on my own with a single pet, trying to find my dream job.

7. Sociologist

8. Captain Edward John Smith

9. I believe she's appreciated, but cuddlyhemmings Her Star Wars books are amazing!!!!

10. Middle school sucks, life sucks, get over it. Stop trying to be a fücking people pleaser and get on with your life.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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