Merediths life on the line

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Derek, Mark Owen and George all arrived at the woods where Derek assumed the taxi would have dropped Meredith off, he looked down and noticed tire tracks, and saw there was a break in them and that they turned back in the other direction. "Where in the right spot I think, there's tire tracks what turn round in the hard mud on the side" Derek said as the all climbed out the car. "MEREDITH, WHERES MY FAVOURITE DIRTY MISTRESS?" Mark shouted and hoped he'd get some witty response in reply, remembering her high on morphine, he laughed to himself. "What's so funny about Meredith missing?" Derek asked with a glare, "nothing just remembering her on morphine after her appy" George then laughed remembering the scene, "I remember that, she was more concerned about people seeing her naked than the surgery, probably from being called a whore". Derek felt shame from this remembering that's when she was sleeping with Finn, not realising they never had sex, however he was still married to Addison at the time so it shouldn't have happened. "Alright guys let's head off in that direction, the trailer is down that path" Derek said pointing down a clear path, so that's where they headed they walked the full path up to the trailer shouting for her, hoping they would hear something soon. They walked the full path and then they ended up at the end of the trail and was facing the trailer no Meredith in site. Mark then remembered the short cut Meredith told him she walked with Derek a while back. "What about a shortcut, she mentioned something about it to me a while back when we were talking about walking around the trails, my ruined shoes from Derek taking me out". Derek then remembered where they meant, he had shown it her on one of their walks with doc. "This way" they continued walking round the trail and took the shortcut. They then saw some blood underneath a tree and a branch, all becoming increasingly concerned. That's when they heard a slight moan in pain.

Meredith came round from her latest bout of unconsciousness and heard rustling nearby and feared for her life again, expecting it to be the bear coming back for more, so she closed her eyes and played dead, thinking it would work and being the only thing she could do at the time without an excruciating amount of pain. That's when she heard 4 voices she recognised, one being Derek, at that she groaned in pain hoping they would hear, she heard them stop moving, and gained what little power she had to lift a small pebble off the floor and throw it slightly hoping to make a bang, that caused her even more pain resulting in her screaming slightly before loosing all energy and falling unconscious again.

The guys all heard the scream and recognised it instantly, and headed in the direction where they heard it. Owen looked at the floor and immediately saw a trail of blood and what looked like where someone was being dragged, "hey guys, looks like someone was dragged down here, and they were bleeding quite badly, could it be Meredith?" At the site of what Owen pointed at made Derek sick to his stomach and vomited on the floor, mark rubbed his back, he felt bad for Derek but was still pissed with how he treated Meredith, "I'm sure we'll find her, she's alive we heard the scream, that's got to mean something right?", "yeah but this is all my fault" Derek said with tears in his eyes, mark just responded with, "I can't say your wrong there". George then spoke up "come on guys let's follow it" and with that they proceeded to follow the marks on the floor and the site they were greeted with had them all in shock, Meredith was laid on the floor covered in her own blood, slashes all over her body, her clothes ripped to shreds, her arm was bent at a bad angle, along with her shoulder which looked out of place and collar bone, both her legs were deformed, and the knee could easily be seen as being dislocated, and the other had an open fracture, which was pretty severe. "Oh my god" Derek said and ran to her, he knelt down beside her and stroked her hair from her face, trying not to knock the laceration on the top of her head, "I'm so sorry Meredith, this is all my fault I love you so much" and cried, "someone call 911" Owen shouted and went to help Meredith knowing his trauma training could come in handy. He started with the most important thing, and put his fingers on her artery by her neck, and felt it pulsating although it was very weak, "she's alive but her pulse is very weak" he announced, at this they breathed a sigh of relief knowing they were not completely late and that there was something they could do. "Ambulance should be here in 10 at the most" George announced walking back to the group, and sat by his friend on the opposite side of Derek, he made the choice 5en and there that he wasn't going to the army, his friend needed him and he couldn't abandon her. Owen continued to examine her "obvious dislocated left shoulder and knee, broken right forearm, possible ulna and radius, open tibial fracture, looks to be getting infected, broken ribs" he then palpated her abdomen, and her eyes shot open and she groaned in discomfort and pain from the pressure, "definite internal bleeding, does anyone have a penlight?" "I do" Derek said, he was a neurosurgeon so he always carried a spare, "pupils equal and reactive" Owen continued, mark then noticed some glassy green eyes gazing around, "Meredith, an ambulance is on its way, your going to be just fine, can you remember what happened?" Meredith looked at him tears in her eyes, and he could see the fear projecting back at him, "b b bear" she stuttered, mark then recognised the marks of them as claw marks, "what day did you come out here?" Mark asked, "w-when y-you ssent me h-ome" Meredith responded, at this marked looked shocked and also sad at the fact she's been left in the woods for four days fighting for her life, "kkept figghting nnot quit-ter" Meredith then stutter out and finally lost consciousness, mark noticed and checked her pulse relieved it was still there "she must have passed out from the pain" he continued. Shortly after the ambulance arrived, they loaded Meredith onto a stretcher and into the ambulance, with an Iv of fluids and morphine for if she woke up on the way back, and also braced the obvious injuries and applied pressure dressings to the scratches and the open leg fracture to try and prevent the bleeding, Owen hopped on the back of the ambulance being the experienced trauma surgeon, for if anything was to happen and so she wasn't alone, leaving Derek, mark and George to make their way back to the car and to the hospital, before they left George punched Derek directly in his face "this is all your fault" Derek held a hand up to his face, shocked by the strength George had, and couldn't be far from wrong, mark looked at him and handed him a tissue, "you kind of deserved that, he wasn't wrong". And they walked to the car and drove to the hospital.

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