2. The Zoo

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It's the next day, and Cody's alarm clock is ringing, waking him up and he tries turning it off. It takes him 10 seconds to find the snooze button and he turns off the alarm clock. He gets up from the bed and stretches.

Cody: "一年だけ寝られたらいいのに。 または多分それが私の誕生日になるまでまたは...クリスマス。"
(I wish I can just sleep for a whole year. Or maybe until it's my birthday or...Christmas.)

He heads to the bathroom and brushes his teeth and uses the restroom. He then cracks his knuckles and his neck, popping joints. He walks to the living room to change clothes and puts on his clothes and grabs his backpack. He then grabs his mask from the side and puts it on his face. He grabs his katana and his tantō and his belt and puts them on his waist. He walks out of his apartment towards the elevator and reaches the lobby only to see the news that there will be a blizzard.

Cody: "あなたは私をからかう必要があります。"

(You've got to be kidding me.)

He heads back to the elevator and heads back up to his apartment. He opens his door and once he puts his hand on the doorknob, he starts hearing voices from inside his room. They're talking in English.

???: "Skinny, there's no one here."

??? 2: "Carnelian. They might be coming back soon. How about we gather information from what's in here and inform Holly Blue Agate on what we found."

Cody: "え? 英語...私の部屋にアメリカ人はいますか? イギリス人? さて、私は自分で準備する必要があります。"
(Huh? English...are there Americans in my room? British folks? Alright I need to prepare myself.)

He grips onto the handle of his katana and he places his other hand on the doorknob and he pushes it open and heads in his room. There, he sees a small red woman with a blue uniform on, her hair is maroon and there's a gemstone on her arm. There's also a skinny orange woman with white hair, orange stripes and a gemstone on her belly.

Cody: "Who are you? What are you doing in my apartment?!"

???: "It's back!"

??? 2: "8XJ, now!"

Cody: "8XJ? Who's-


He sudden;y gets knocked out and falls onto the ground, unconscious and his vision goes black.

Timeskip, 45 minutes later...

45 minutes later, Cody groans and he opens his eyes to see that he's in a room of some sort. A small green room with an orange panel which looks to be made of lasers judging by the heat radiating off it.

Cody: "何-何...何地獄? ここはどこ?"
(What-what the...what the hell? Where am I?)

He looks around and he takes his mask off and puts it in his pocket. Then, he sees a tall blue woman with an odd hairstyle, white over-the-knee boots, and a blue uniform walk towards the laser panel and faces him.

??? "Hey, human."

Cody: "Speaking in English, I see. What are you? And where the shit am I?"

???: "Silence. Listen, human you are going to be a perfect addition to the Human Zoo. There, you'll begin your new life living with other humans. I'm sure you will enjoy it."

Cody: "A zoo? So what, I'm going to be looked at by your race? Then how am I going to survive?"

???: "Ugh, your ignorance is very appalling. Listen, just sit there and wait. We are almost at our destination."

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