Chapter 3

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"I hear something," he walks down to a box by the dumpster, kneels down, he lets go of the bags and picks up a small creature. I walk over to him and see he picked up a small black kitten, she looked like she was injured.

"Aww the poor kitten," I said kneeling next to him.

Loki raised his hand up over the little thing and his hand glowed he seemed to be healing her like he somehow did with my finger I cut earlier. The kitten finally stood up after his hand stopped glowing, looked at Loki and meowed at him, then started purring and rubbing up against him, he laughed.

"Aw she seems to like you, why don't we take her home," I said smiling.

She meowed again curling up in his arm. I grabbed half the bags and we walked to the apartment. When we got there I put the groceries away then walked back to Loki and the kitten.

"Before we start dinner, let's go get her some things at the pet store, there's one about two blocks from here."

He put her on the floor and she rubbed up against us. "We'll be back, little one, I promise," he petted her and she sat as if to wait for him to come back.

I closed the door behind us, "she really is a cutie," I smiled.

"Yeah she is but you are cuter. So what should we call her?" he said as I blushed more.

"Well she likes you the most and you found her, so you choose."

"Ok, I'll give it a thought while we get her things," he said offering his arm.

I linked arms with him smiling happily and we walked to the pet store. When we we walked in the young lady at the register greeted us a little too friendly, Loki smiled at her and she blushed. We walked to the cat section and started looking.

We grabbed her scratch post tower, a pet bed, a few toys, a food and water dish, cat little and pan, and tons of canned moist food, since she looked young, moist was the best for her right now. While we were grabbing stuff for her, the young lady who was at the register came up to us, stood next to Loki and asked him what he was looking for. He was looking at the collars.

"We're fine, thank you," I said to her.

"I'm sure you are, but I was asking him."

"We just got a kitten and Lucy told me a collar will mark her ours, I think I want this one," he said replying to her and grabbing a green collar with gold gems on it.

"Well if she's new, you'll need an ID tag for her, come this way, sir."

"Sure," he said following her.

I got slightly angry as she was hitting on him like crazy.

"Here is where you can make a tag for her, all you have to do is put her name, your name and where you live, just in case she gets out and gets lost."

"I've never done this before, can you help me Miss."

"My names Rose and of course I'll help," she smiled, "so what tag would you like?"

"How about the green star."

"Ok that's a lovely one, what is the kittens name?"


"That's one of the beautiful constellations," she smiled at him cutely, then typed the name in, "and what's your name?"

"Loki with an I."

"What a handsome name, for a gentleman so handsome," she said flirtatiously to him, "and where do you live?"

Loki was about to answer her, when I walked in and got between them, "I'll type it in and finish it, thank you," I said giving her a 'back off' look.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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