1: Enter Hanalei

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Enter Hanalei

Hanalei’s POV

My the buzzing of my alarm clock had been stopped about fifteen minutes ago and I was now hearing the yelling of my secondary alarm clock, a.k.a mom.

“Hanalei wake up!” I heard my mother call from the hall. “If I don’t hear your foot steps in the next three minutes I’m sending your brother in after you!”

Not wanting to endure another ‘creative’ awakening by my older brother Dean; I hastily replied to her as I regrettably shoved my covers off of me.

“I’m up, I’m up. His services will not be needed”

I then heard a disappointed response come from my brother down stairs. I checked the clock it read 8:00 AM. That gave me about an hour and a half before I needed to be at work. I headed to my ensuite bathroom to take a shower before I got ready. 

As my mother mentioned earlier, I am Hanalei. Yes, like Hanalei Bay, Hawaii. My parents went there on their honeymoon and it was after their time there they decided to name their first born daughter that. I am eightteen years old and am going to be a senior at Edgecliff High. 

I got out of the shower and dried my long wavy dark brown hair and set it up in a ponytail. I got dress in a black ‘Cliff’s Peak’ t-shirt with some faded jean shorts and my black Converse. I put some black eyeliner on accenting my forest green eyes then headed downstairs to grab something to eat.

There I found my mother making pancakes and my older brother Dean eating a stack of them like he would never get them again.

“Careful you don’t want that to end up being your last meal” I commented to my brother

“Ha Ha, and a lovely morning to you to sis” replied Dean

Dean looked much like our mother. He is six feet tall and has  chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes. He is two years older than me.

“Morning sweet heart. Did you sleep well?” asked my mother.

“Morning mom, I slept like a baby” I answered while taking a plate of her heavenly pancakes.

“So you woke up crying and shat your pants?” Dean questioned

“Ewwww god no” I said as I slapped his arm.

“You know I’m hilarious” he retorted 

“No Bo Burnham is hilarious, you’re just gross” I stated before taking a bite of my pancakes

After finishing up breakfast and putting my plate into the sink I said bye to my mom and left for work. I stepped outside to see my baby, a red Mazda RX-7, I named Zen. It was a project I had done with my dad to motivate me to learn how to drive when was fifteen. I got in and started Zen up and headed off to work.

I should explain I work in the family business, my father owns a rock climbing gym by the name of ‘Cliff’s Peak’ (CP for short) and it is one of the top climbing gyms in the area (Being located around an hour from Yosemite National park helps too). Rock climbing is a huge thing in my family I’ve been doing it ever since I can remember and so has my brother. Who is majoring in business so that he can one day take over the place. I park my car grab my gear and go into CP. 

“Good morning sweets” my dad said as he turned on the music and let a remix of “Something Good Can Work” by Two Door Cinema Club travel throughout the gym.

“Hi dad, nice choice” I said while taking my place behind the front desk. I loved this version of the song it’s pace is a little bit faster than the original making it more up beat and perfect for working out to. 

Thanks and make sure the equipment gets wiped down frequently today I Jessica is coming in at a later shift so that will be up to you.

About an hour passed when my best friend Evelyn walk in the gym. I had just finished wiping down the equipment and was back at the front desk.

“Hey girlie! Hows it going?” Eve called out. 

“Hey Eve, It’s pretty busy today but I’m doing well” I replied

Eve has been my best friend since forever my mother and her had gone to college and where best friends. We were practically raised together and is like sister I never had. Because of this my dad lets her in for free but she doesn’t climb she is on our school’s water polo team so she uses the other workout equipment that we have. She has shoulder length dirty blond hair with ultra violet streaks and has bright blue eyes. She is around the same height as me so approximately 5’7”. She is the nicest person in the world unless you provoke her then she turns into someone you don’t want to fuck with.

“Ugh I don’t want school to start” she groans as she hands me her pass.

“I know what you mean” I replied while scanning it and handing it back to her

“Lets hope this year gets at least a little interesting” I stated while Eve walk over to the workout machines.

As she said that I heard the door to the gym open and entered a guy who most would commonly classify as drop dead gorgeous.


Note: Hello all! This is my first writing ever and I hope you all enjoy it and if you do spread the word. :D 

I will try to update at least once a month but if i don't I apologize I will try and get it to you ASAP.

I'm thinking of putting up a cast if there is any sugestions for Hanalei let me know!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2015 ⏰

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