Christmas And Mistletoe

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Christian and I have been dating, but keeping it quiet for a lot of reasons, very good ones. I finally met Mia, Elliott and Carrick at a family dinner held at Escala. Gail and Jason were included as well. Louis thinks Christian is his daddy and as much as I explain to him that Christian isn't his dad he refuses to stop calling him dada. Mama he doesn't utter even once. Bambi moved out the next day and she has apologized for her lie and she explained a few things and I understood why she did, but it is no excuse at all. But we found out that she has a daughter by William Abrams and was going through a lot because of George Abrams and his actions.
I catch Ana under the mistletoe and give her a kiss of course Mia sees this and tells everyone. When Louis decided he wants to call me daddy and reaches for me. I think the cat is out of the bag now. Mom looks at us and asks why Louis thinks that I am his father.
Yes Christian tell us why he thinks you are his father?
He calls you dada? Since when?
Could it be that he sees an awful lot of you Christian and in turn you see a lot of him and his mother?
Is that true? Are you two dating or something?
Ana and I are dating. We have news as well. I asked her to marry me and she said yes. Louis gave me permission to marry her. So we have a small wedding to plan.
George Abrams
I was found guilty of hiring someone to kill all the GEH employees and my own son. The Norris guy was the over the top killing that didn't take long to figure out I was behind it also. The evidence just kept growing and the cars were found and the files kept getting bigger with more compelling of my guilt. William was a pawn in my game to obtain control of GEH. I found out that he was working with Louis Randall to put me behind bars and he and Randall had to be taken out. Then Roger Norris went straight to Randall's widow. I was having him and her watched and ordered the hit if he ever tried to contact her. He did and I ordered the kill shot. I tried to use his daughter, but the man hid her from me. Phil has abandoned me for Elizabeth. I now have a public defender. Elizabeth moved fast with help from Phil. My accounts are all frozen and civil suits are growing. Bambi is suing on behalf of her daughter and herself for the loss of Will. Mrs Randall is suing me as well for her husbands murder. Roger Norris's daughter has representation as well. Everyone's family is suing me for murdering and ordering the murders of their family members. I was given life sentences for every person I had killed. I see the news and people are coming forward in all the murders.
A year Later
I watch as Louis is the best man and stands next to Christian at the front of the church watching his mother walk down the aisle. Elliott is a groomsman. Mia is maid of honor and Kate Kavanagh is the bridesmaid and dating Elliott. I recall my first time I saw Ana and Louis. Little did I know I would get a daughter in law and grandson today. Christian is adopting Louis Randall Jr and he will be Louis David Grey and his mother will be Anastasia Rose Grey the same day.
We finally got a CFO who cleared the whole finance department up and they are toeing the line. He had security set up the whole finance department so he could monitor all their activities. Barney was thrilled to help him and he made sure his office was also monitored as well. Which came in handy when he fired three other people for collaborating with Abrams as well. One caught him in his office and pulled a gun on him. Security was in there within a minute. They stopped him from being killed. Hr had already had new people in place and they just cleared all the desk of the three of the real work and kept them working on the files they thought were helping Abrams. I have to give the new CFO credit he had them thinking everything was approved. His PA which we found out later is his wife he brought on when he was hired.
I look as Ana is walking towards me and think how lucky I was that everything happened the way it did. Fate had a huge hand in bringing her a Louis into our lives, God takes and gives at the same time just not always the way we think or hope he does.
I am blessed to have met such a good man and soon to be husband and Louis adoptive father. I know without a doubt Christian will make a greater husband and father than Louis ever did. Gia ended up losing the car, the house and the engagement ring to the creditors. I believe she found someone else, but he is not really opening up that wallet to buy her anything. Sometimes Karma evens things out. The family's and children of Abrams victims got all his assets after all. Elizabeth Abrams helped them with their law suits.
For a moment I was lost, but a light was brought into my life by the name of Christian Grey. With his love I am no longer lost.
The beginning of a wonderful life and now a new family.
The end
Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it.

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