4. past mistakes

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There's something so soothing about august's nights, it's almost addicting. The last summer's month is probably the best of all, when the weather is just right for whatever you're planing to do.

But just because the weather is nice doesn't mean everything's perfect.

"We're going out tonight, right?" A voice from the other side of the room filled the silence.

A slow "I'm not sure." was answered. As the redhead that started the conversation turns to look at the other girl in anger, a phone rings.

Katelyn got up from her bed to get her phone from the table as she heard the redhead tell her something again, but she was too focused on answering the call than listening to her friend.

"Hello?" Katelyn answered.

"Hey, Kate, I kinda fucked up, can you help me real quick?" Her brother, Mike, spoke on the other side.

"Mike?! What the fuck did you do? Why are you calling from this number?" Katelyn's sloppiness started to leave.

"I doxed a girl. She was cheating on my best friend and he didn't believe me so I had to prove him I'm right. Now the principal confiscated my phone, please, I need it back, there's a lot of information there. Can you come?"

Katelyn's eyes widened. She didn't know that her brother is actually good at something other than pissing her off and staying up 'till 4am playing video games.

"I mean, sure, but you owe me one." Katelyn giggled.

"Sure, fine, fine. Just get here quick."

Katelyn hanged up the phone and looked at the other girl in the room.

"Katelyn, what the hell?!" She screamed at her.

"What?" Katelyn answered calmly.

"You promised we'd go to Jason's party and now you're just saying 'I am not sure' to me?" She shouted angrily.

"Look, Vanessa, I really don't wanna go to that party. Besides, Jason has a girlfriend. Anna, or whatever her name is" Katelyn put her hands on her hips.

"No, he isn't, that's his cousin."

"Yeah, I would say that they're relatives too before becoming a home wrecker." Katelyn stepped closer to her.

"Look, Katelyn, if you don't want, you don't have to go, but this is my chance to find the love of my life." Vanessa looked down.

"He's a jock?!" Katelyn exclaimed.

"So what? Humans change, Katelyn." She answered and went out of the room.

"Get your ass ready, we're going to Mike's middle school." Katelyn shouted, so that Vanessa would hear.


As they pulled up, they saw Mike sitting on the ground with a friend near him.

"Hey, look, isn't that Jason's little brother, Joshua?" Vanessa jumped to look through the window.

"I mean, I guess, it could be." Katelyn showed no interest in what she was blabbing about.

Katelyn walked up to Mike and asked "Where's the principal office?" Mike looked up to see his dark haired sister standing with a leather jacket and some ripped jeans. "Really?" He thought.

"We have a new problem. My mother, took it home" Joshua, the boy besides Mike answered.

"The fuck? How?" Katelyn asked in confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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