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your diary- today is a big day. i got accepted into artsace academy and i heard there are some fine ass boys there. my best friend aya goes there and she told me she likes it and the guys there are hella fine. she told me not to mess with cohen cause that's "her mans"'
mom- y/n hurry up aya is waiting outside to take u to school
y/n: coming ma
mom: ok i love u sweetheart your are going to do great today i just know it! remember mommy loves u and i put ur "stuff" in your bag and-
y/n: ma i got it i'm 16 i can do this
(flash forward to before you walk in to school and your with aya)
y/n: i can't do this
aya: yes u can babes just walk in
y/n: but-
aya: ok *pushes u in and u trip and fall on a guy*
y/n: oh i'm so sor-
(he is a fine lightskin with dark brown hair, beautiful brown eyes, the most pearly white teeth and most contagious smile, he was about 5'11 and  was literally perfect)
him: hi u must be new i'm derek. sorry for bumping into u
y/n: oh it's ok aya had the NERVE to push me
aya: i ain't do that shit
derek: i saw u dumb ass
aya: u ain't seen shit derek
derek: whatever
(they do they handshake)
y/n: so you know eachother
aya: everyone knows everyone
y/n: i don't
aya: u will don't worry
( a girl walks up to u and pushes u away from derek)
her: baby who is this chick
derek: shes new i'm just being nice
her: idc if she's new don't talk to her...
derek: but i was just being nice...
her: come on
y/n: who tf was that
aya: that's devenity her and derek are dating
y/n: oh they are. :( oh okay
aya: well we should get to class we don't have the same first period so i'll show u to ur class
(as soon as aya says that a guy shows up cuter than the last he had a little baby face but he was hot at the same time)
him: hey ur new right?
y/n: yea
him: lemmie see ur schedule...
*u hand him ur schedule*
him: sick we have the same first period, and 4th and 5th
y/n: omg we do
him: i got it aya u go to class i got.... what's ur name?
y/n: y/n
him: ok i got y/n
* he grabs ur hand and pulls to class*
(you get to class)
y/n: hey i never got ur name..
him: vallyk.. i'm vallyk
y/n: vallyk?
vallyk: yeah
y/n: i like vallyk
vallyk: thank u
y/n: it's cute
*vallyk blushes*

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