the project

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tyee: hi class gm
vallyk: hey teach this is y/n she's new
tyee: yea ik and just in time
y/n: wym
tyee: you will be doing a group project about whatever u want but you have to make it irl and write a paper on it
y/n and vallyk u are together jiggy and
devenity u r together and cohen and devin u are together
y/n: okay cool
vallyk: hey u can come over to my house and do the project later
y/n: okay
(later at vallyks house)
vallyk: k so what do u want to-
*ur phone rings*
y/n: hold on
y/n: hello
mom: hi baby i'm working late tonight do u have a friend to stay the night at
y/n: idk i'll ask
*hangs up*
y/n: hey look my mom has to work late is it alright if i crash here for the night
since we have to do our project
vallyk: yeah
y/n: cool so what do u want to do
vallyk: u
y/n: u want to huh?
vallyk: we should get our creative juices flowing
y/n: boy!
vallyk: -
y/n: come here
*you start kissing*
vallyk: *pins u down on the floor*
y/m; ou vallyk
vallyk: wait wtf am i doing? i just met u u could have syphillis or sum shit like that
y/n: the only thing i have is an urge to make out with u rn so come here daddy
vallyk: oop ok she straight forward

Artsace AcademyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora