chapter 8 Leney+ edwin=Bf

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"It is time for lunch"said ms.Angela.Edwin walk up to leney and than Edwin said "can I tell leney something plz Michelle and Jenney" "Ok leney we are going to be at the bathroom,with Hannah meet u there "ok I will in 3 min" said Leney. "I know you like me and I do to do and I was wondering if we can know each other and than if u whant to we can go out?" said Edwin. "yes ok cam we start now I will hang out with u for lunch let me go to the bathroom and tell Hannah,Michelle,and Jenny"said leney. "MICHELLE,HANNAH,AND JENNY.Edwin said that we need to know each other need to know each other and than we can go our."said leney "I wish Ty can ask me that to I will be so good"said said Hannah "No boy no good"said Michelle and Jenny."Me and Edwin are going to hang out today so see u"said Leneu!!.

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