Welcome To Hell

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Izuku Midoriya was a kind kid everyone knew it, and he had only ever done one wrong thing in his life but sadly it was to the person who hated him the most, Katsuki Bakugo, he used to call him Kacchan but that would change today .  It all started with the last class of the day, the teacher spouting nonsense, then they had said "Oh Midoriya you want to go to UA too right," those 10 words were the beginning of the end.


"What, you damn nerd, you think your better than me," Kacchan shrieked.  In all honesty I would rather not go to UA not because I didn't want to but because Bakugo would be there.

"N-no Kacchan I don't even want to be a hero," I stutter out hoping for mercy, I get no such thing.

 "Liar," he screams, but it sounds muddled only now do I realize he launched an explosion at my face, he is coming at me again but I can't see him nor anything else.

"Midoriya quit causing fights," my teacher screams, I can't hear him, my eyes are clouded my ears filled with cotton, my brain feels fuzzy like the screeching of static, but I don't comment just go back to my seat, stumbling over the outstretched feet in my path, I still can't see but I don't think that matters much anymore, after class Bakugo, yes Bakugo not Kacchan not anymore, takes my notebook, he explodes it and throws it down to the fish pond, but I just can't care anymore.

Before he leaves he lends me some helpful advice, "Hey nerd if you want to be useful take a swan dive off the roof, so you can go to hell where you belong," I stare him straight in the eyes for only a moment before I avert my gaze, waiting for them to leave.

The second I can no longer hear them I bolt to the roof and do the one thing I am good at, following instructions, I take off my shoes and put my prewritten suicide note underneath, then I dive with the grace of a swan, I knew the exact moment I hit the pavement, then lo and behold there was Kacchan I already knew he was gonna send me to hell.

"Hey Bakugo guess this is goodbye huh," I laughed he stiffened at the sound of his surname coming from me, but I was too exhausted to care right now, "get it over with and send me to hell" was what was going through mind.

Bakugo's grin was practically feral as he reached for the word hell, he grasped it like a prize as he smiled in my face.  Suddenly everything around me faded, and I felt the feeling of falling again, it was peaceful until my back struck something, my serene mood gone with the wind I stood.  There in front of me Lucifer sat, his forked-tongue flicking out as he laughed "Welcome to hell," a pain erupted from my back, and the last thing I heard was a raspy "That's odd," before darkness again took me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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