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note from Korra: I'm not doing a prologue for this one, "enjoy" this cringe thing 😌

😇justin's pov 😇

Adam. The perfect boyfriend. Or at least in my view and in my heart. His pretty cerulean eyes, pale soft skin and his admirable beige hair.

Meanwhile there is the gluttonous and annoying Justin, which is me. With my dirty brown eyes, and messy violet hair.

Justin's mother always said that he was an amazing son...But he always knew that her words were lies.

💙~~time skip, about one hour later~~💙 

I thought about Adam, I knew that I would never have the courage to confess. Adam deserved someone as kind, caring, trustworthy and honest as him. 

"One day...when the stars align. We will be together, my dear Adam." I whisper to myself, wishing for Adam as a shooting star passed my bedroom's window. 

I'm lovesick for someone I don't even deserve. I thought with guilt rushing through my veins, I think about Adam as the Moonlight became dimmer. Eventually I fell asleep. 

(wow 10/10 korra, yea that TOTALLY didnt suck at all 🙄)

🦒adam's pov🦒

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess. I didn't even love my girlfriend anymore (wHo We'Ll pUrElY aCt LiKe It IsNt hIs CuRrEnT oNe So I dOnT cRiNgE tO dEaTh-). I was gay. Feeling like a downer, I take my phone and dial [XXXXXXX]. 

"Hey Adam!" Sarissa chimed (made up a beautifal name), it was in her 'sweet but something is up' voice. 

"I...I need to tell you something." I started.

"Yeah, I wanna tell you something too!" She said, her voice's pitch lowering.

Adam hated when his coward-ness took over. I didn't want to upset Sarissa so in a worry I just said;

"Y-You can go first!" 

"Thanks Adam!" She smiled. "You see- I kind of hate that idiotic glutton boyfriend of yours that you keep hanging out with"

"H-huh?" I asked, thinking about Justin. Knowing that the word "glutton" was in the sentence it was pretty obvious and I hadn't even asked one boy out yet.

"Yeah, I hate Justin." She calmly said. "You keep ignoring me to hang out with him! What the legit hell is wrong with your mind?! Overall, I want to break up!"

"Oh....I uhm. Understand." I replied. I was shocked that Sarissa had even wanted to break up with me. Sure I have been hanging out with Justin a lot more but I didn't think that Sarissa hated him that much.

"So uh, what did you wanna say to me again?" She asked.

"O-oh." I stuttered. I started to regret even calling Sarissa in the first place so I just decided to come up with a lie. (oh no the ironyyyyyy- justie called him honest and now hes lying)

"I-I just wanted to organize a date! But now that we're no longer a couple I guess nevermind..." I lied.

"Ah, okay! It doesn't really matter, I guess we can still be friends!" She said, hanging up.

"...oh god..." I gulped, falling down onto my bed. Boxy jumped on top of me. My heart felt both pain and relief. 

"Why did you lie?" Boxy asked. "It's unfair when you lie! Especially when the other person doesn't even know it!"

"I know Boxy...I never have the correct courage to confess to-" I started

"OOOOH!! Who?!" Boxy exclaimed.

"I know you and the other four will rat me out!! So promise you won't tell ANYONE?!" I warned. 

"UGH! You're no fun! Fine. TELL ME" Boxy said.

"I love Justin"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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