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It took her a while to realise that the muse she'd been so desperate to find this whole time was right in front of her eyes. A slow realisation, but quick enough that She did not flee away to God-knows-where.
She picked up her brushes, dipping it into the warm pint of paint with its thickness absorbing into the large frizzy tool she used to scream, cry, and laugh her thoughts out.




She smelled like fresh lilies and cold citrus in the middle of a Sicilian morning. Like the invigorating touch of the Greek thundering seas— Like a warm cup of chocolate milk as snows of Stockholm begins to flood the balcony.


She was out of her mind. She was out of her league. She was out of her reach. How could she feel and sense and think of such things?

Suddenly everything that made sense fell into the rabbits hole and became its own Alice in Wonderland.
Suddenly everything that felt so beautiful felt like stabbing thorns and suffocation as wind grasped onto her spine and tried to hold her back.
Suddenly everything was still.
Rested, benevolent, unmoving.
Though livid, agitated, gnawing.

But She.

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