Chapter Five

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Catherine of Aragon's POV:

My name is Catherine of Aragon, but no one knows that anymore. I'm just a prisoner, a ghost of my real self, trapped inside a monster. I have no control, I'm stuck here, I can't leave this tower at the top of this staircase and every day I become less and less myself. I just watch this monster slowly overtake my soul and terrorize the people in this building.

Also, the building I'm in is the Arts Theatre, where Six the musical, which coincidentally covers part of my life plays on the West End. So each show, I have to listen to them sing about me, and I know that each day I slip farther and farther from the regal Tudor queen I once was.

A few days ago, a young woman came here. The first person to come in over 50 years, maybe longer. Her name was Collette. I know the names of everyone who works at the Arts, but Collette in particular stuck in my mind. Maybe it was how the other actresses constantly praised her skill at picking up lines and choreography, or maybe it was some special thing she did on stage, or maybe it was a completely random reason, but I just couldn't forget Collette Guitart. However, when something is important to me or if I think about it a lot, the monster that imprisons me is determined to ruin it. And that's why I'm so worried. I am cursed, I can't change that, my fate is sealed, but Collette's is not and I will do whatever I can to protect her.

A/N: Wow, that was a really long exposition, but now it's kind of getting into the actual story. Thank you to everyone who has read this far, I hope you're liking it!

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