Chapter 18 -

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[Hours before]

Jaden's POV :

"Man do we have to do this?" I pleaded to the rest of them.

"Yes Jaden! We have to show Nia that she needs to trust us, and isolating herself from her friends is stupid. If we act like we are mad at her, she'll see that she does needs her friends, not when she chooses to have friends. Whatever is going on with her brother, she don't have to tell us. She just needs to not ditch us." Ray said, sipping his soda.

"She told me.. But.. I'm not gonna tell y'all, she's still my girl and I can't do that to her" Cherelle shrugged, sighing.

"I miss her man" Jacob sighed, running his hands through his hair.

"Aw, don't worry Jakey! You and your girl will be together soon!" Jacob's cousin Maya smiled.

Jacob nodded.

We all sat around in silence.

I really didn't want to do this.. I felt uncomfortable doing this to my best friend, and I knew that Cherelle and Jacob did.

"Why don't I take a picture of you guys! Cherelle, let me take it on your phone!" Maya said, standing up and taking Cherelle phone.

Everyone smiled except from me in the picture. My mind was elsewhere.. and I felt gulity doing this..

"Aye Cherelle, tweet a subtweet about this on twitter, so if Nia sees it, she'll get jealous." Ray said.

"Instead of spending so much time on this topic, why don't we do something. Nia will come around." Craig said quietly.

Everyone agreed.

After Cherelle had made the tweet, we all left. I grabbed Cherelle's hand, and kissed her on her forehead before pulling her to catch up with everyone else.

"Aye Jaden, lemme talk to you for a sec" Chresanto said smoothly.

I nodded.

This guy didn't really talk to any of us, so why did he want to talk to me?

We slowly trailed behind the others.

"Aye. I know I don't really talk to you guys, cause I'm more of a quiet person. But I still think of you as my bro. That's why I gotta say, I know about what's happening with Nia.. My bro Javier told me everything.. You gotta be careful with who you trust, and who you are telling shit..Just be careful with Rayan, ite?"

I was so confused at this point, but I took it all in.

"I'm sorta confused bro" I shrugged.

"See how eager he is to be mean and nasty to Nia ? Like, I know he is meant to be my boy, but there is something not right with the way he acts.. Just be careful" He said, dapped me, ad jogged on to catch up with the others.

I shook off what he said, and jogged on to the others.

Rayan couldn't be that bad, right?


"Truth or dare Smith" Rayan smirked.

"I must be a fool if I choose dare, cause I know how you are Rayan, Nigga I pick truth !"

"Ite.. Is it true that when you was in the 3rd grade, one day you needed to go toliet real bad, but all the toliets were filled, so you ran around the field and peed?"


My cheeks burned instantly as everyone around me laughed at me.

"How the hell do you know that?" I growled.

When Mr popular meets the Misfit - Princeton Love Story [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now