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You always looked at Andrew ever since he came to the manor, not that seemed odd or anything. Just, Something about him, made you feel better when you looked at him or even talk, which is rare, but god. He was a beauty to you. You always try to engage conversation with him but he seemed rather dry or just not able to...reply? You didn't know. You were easy to talk to, right? How is he having such a hard time? That brought you to this moment, having him 'pinned down' in your conversation just to pry him open at least. You needed more, You wanted more. "...Kreiss, isn't it pretty outside?" Side glancing him, he was looking down to his gloved hands that were fiddling with themselves. In a quiet voice he replied, "it's lovely..." he paused "w-why are we here, [l/n]...?" Ah, he finally asked. "Oh...Y'know" you shrugged off the question, you wanted him to speak more but that didn't come to your help did it now? He stayed quiet playing with his gloves now. You walked in front of him cupping both of his hands with yours, the difference between his and yours is immense. Not because your hands are tiny or anything it's just that your nails have been growing long enough to be called "claws" as what Luca called them. "Don't be afraid, I'm not here to hurt you...I just want to be your friend" you confessed as you rubbed your thumb in circles on his hand. "Friend...?" If his face wasn't able to be seen well now it isn't even able to read, this is hard, you wanted to see that face of his. "Hey, Hey" you used your left hand to gently cup his face, trying not to use your nails on him. "Look at me," you paused for a brief moment "I'm honest with what I said, I want to be next to you forever. Mister Kreiss you don't know how much I been waiting for this moment...just to talk to you, even then, this is enough for me...being right here, with you"
The grave keeper was astonished by your words, other than the manor's letter no one ever really...tried to befriend him. He started to find any lie in your words, he wasn't dumb, you can't just befriend someone as inhuman he was unless you needed something— his thoughts there cut off by you. You wrapped your arm on his waist and grabbed his hand, placing your head on his chest. "[l/n], I don't get you" he spoke up, you hummed in reply. You just wanted him to speak forever his voice was lovely to you.
"Have I told you that you are beautiful to me?"
"Huh? Me...?"
God. He didn't understand you one bit what so ever, but, he enjoyed this...this was new to him.
His chest felt warm, he smiled as he placed his chin on your head swaying both of you side to side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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