Chapter 2: Sjinns' Farm

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Chapter 2: Sjinns' Apprentice

As I exitted the portal, my head swam, and It was a few moments before I could get my thoughts together again.

"Don't worry, It'll pass." Farmer Sjinn said reassuringly, and sure enough it did.

As I got back to my feet I notice my surroundings. I'm standing attop a hill overlooking quite a large farm. From where I am standing I can see a good sized farm house, a large barn, and more predominately large fields of all different breeds of trees, of every shape and size. I can also see the sun setting over the tops of three large fluid tanks, topped with three different flags.

"Welcome to Mahogany Meadows, also known as, Sjinns' farm!"

"Wow", I gasp with amazement. "All of this is run by you?"

"Yep, all built by hand, from scratch, by me". He grins proudly at his own acomplishment, and at my amazement.

"It's beautiful" I say, and Sjinn nods in agreement. Sjinn puts his hand on my shoulder and we look at each other briefly, before in turn bursting out in laughter.

"Come on, It's getting late, we should get some sleep, I should have some room in my farm house for you" I thank him, and follow him down the hill to the farm house.

As we stepped up onto the porch, Sjinn pressed a concealed button and the doors clicked open, allowing us into the farm house.

Sjinn must be quite a profitable farmer, because the inside of his house was quite elegant. There was lush carpet covering most of the floor, save for the kitchen to the right and the stairs to the left. The kitchen was quite spartan in appearance, being a large wooden bench around the wall, with a small chest, a furnace, and a crafting table. There was a small table in the centre of the room, adorned with a small pot of wildflowers, bringing the room together.

Sjinn gestures for me to come up the stairs, so I follow him up the stairs, and into the room above.

"Well...umm..." The farmer raises a hand to his head, and gives an awkward sort of half-smile.

"What's wrong..? I asked, unsure about his hesitation, as he flicked the lights on.

"Well... Thing is.. I only have one bed...And it's a single bed...

I realised that my cheeks had turned a rosy red in colour, and I turned away from the farmer, embarresed.

"Give us a moment, I might have the materials lying around somewhere here to make a bed, and if you need pyjamas there should be some in the closet just there", pointing to the closet on the far wall, running out the door"

I sighed a small sigh of releif. Sharing a bed with someone, let alone somebody she had just met, was not on the top of my things-to-do list.

From the bedroom, I can hear the click of the front door opening, and footsteps receding outside. "Sjin must have gone to find the materials to make a bed" I think to myself.

I walk over to the closet by the far wall, and rummage around in it, trying to find something suitable to wear for sleep.

"Sjin has a bit of a weird taste in fashion" I find myself speaking aloud, as I pull out a grubby, white and orange jumpsuit. I notice that there were more oddities in his closet, in the ways of a spacesuit, a set of armour, and a peculiar looking set of robes, embriodered with patterns of stars and mystical symbols.

I eventually find a spare white shirt, which was not too grubby, and a pair of red leggings which bore a large logo reading 'Big Money' across the rear.

I quickly remove my tunic and pants to swap out for the shirt and leggings, but as I do so, once more, I hear the click of the door downstairs.

"Hey Kim, I found some wool, I can make you a bed now" I hear sjin call out, taking the stairs two at a time.

Crap. Here I am half naked, standing in my underwear, and Sjin's going to come in the door any second now. I quickly step into the leggings, while tossing the shirt over my head. I hear the bedroom door creak open, as I try to pull the leggings up past my knees. Unfortunately the leggings, I realised were slightly too big for me, and as I stepped towards the opening door, they caught around my feet, tripping me over, flat on my face.

I look up at the door, just in time to see Sjin enter, carrying some materials under his arm. He looked at me for a split second before turning back around, out the door.

"I'll just give you a moment there Kim." I heard him say, through a laugh.

"You dont have any other pairs of pants do you?" I ask, pulling myself up off the floor, flinging the over-sized leggings away with my foot.

"No, I don't think so", he replied from behind the door.

"Sod it" I thought to myself, I could'nt think of anything else to wear, and the shirt was big enough to cover down to my thigh, so I quickly just hopped into the single bed and pulled the sheets up high, covering all but my head.

"I'm decent" I call out meekly, and Sjin enters the room giving me an odd look.

"You were just wearing those, right?", pointing to the red leggings in the corner of the room. I nod my head. "Then what are you wearing now?"

I look away from him, and I can feel my cheeks blushing. Sjin just shrugs his shoulders

"Oh well, we'll sort it out in the morning, g'night kim.", the farmer said, placing his bed down, a short distance from mine.

"Good night Sjin". I say." See you in the morning".


(Authors Note: Yeah, so far this is seeming pretty good to me. The story is pretty much cannon, and so far is prety SFW. What I really need is peoples opinions, e.g, I like this, I don't like this, Needs more____, so please leave a comment If you read, and give your opinion on my work so far.)

Ty for your help- Luke

(Authors Note 2: Maybe I should change the name of the story, as so far,we haven't even seen Duncan yet lmao, suggestions about that pls)

Ty again for reading, if you made it this far lmao.

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