Nightmare (2 Years Old)

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"Help! Help! Help! Help! Help!" Sasuke woke up and ran straight across into Naruto's room. Why was he screaming so loud like that? 'He must be having a nightmare!' Sasuke thought. "Help Mommy!" Naruto sobbed and hiccuped. "Hey.." Sasuke hushed as he picked up the boy.

Sasuke pushed Naruto against his chest to quiet down the boy. "Hey.." His pale fingers ran across the blonde hair. Surprisingly it lulled him to sleep. 'I wonder what the dream was about.'

Sasuke splashed freezing cold water at his face. "Ugh." He groaned and stripped himself for the shower. Sasuke jumped and screamed when he saw the young boy, he forgot there was another human living in his apartment.

Sasuke groaned and wrapped a towel around his waist. He didn't want to risk Naruto remembering that. "I guess I'll give you a warm bath." He mumbled and turned off the cold water and started the warm water. "Let me grab you your towel and diaper."

Naruto sucked on his three fingers as he watched the man walk away and come back with black sweats and a white t-shirt with a white towel, baby wipes, and a diaper in arms. "Hey I'm back. Time to take off that diaper." Sasuke picked up the small body and laid him down to clean him.

  "Alright. Let's go in Naruto." Sasuke carefully placed the small boy in the shallow water and threw in some toys. Naruto smiled as he reached for a yellow rubber duck. "That's a rubber duck. Look you can fill it up with water and-" He shot Naruto's chest with the water.

  Naruto gasped and then started giggling. "Careful. You'll fall if you lean too far back." Sasuke smiled as he pushed the boy forward. 'I don't remember when I last truly smiled. Naruto really does seem like a good kid.' He thought as he shot the boy again.

  "Naruto no! Hey! Stop that!" He frowned, this time Naruto was shooting him with the duck. "Hahaha!" Naruto laughed heartily. "Stop doing that!" The pale guy failed to protect himself from getting with with his hands. "Okay, time to wash you."

  The Uchiha grabbed shampoo from a yellow bottle that was oddly shaped. He rubbed his hands together creating small bubbles of soap between his fingers. "So much hair for a two-year old." Softly he rubbed the hair with shampoo.

  "You have beautiful hair Naruto. I wonder if you got it from your mother or father." He washed the boy's body and washed the soap down with a cup filled with water. "Momma?" Naruto tilted his head towards Sasuke.

  "Yes. You must remember her." Sasuke rubbed his chin. "Momma? Red!" Naruto smiled and continued to play with the ducks. "Hm. Maybe she had red hair, that must explain why you scratch anything that is bright red." He concluded.

"You must miss them. I'm sorry you had to go through that. The police or the maidens from the orphanage won't tell me what happened to you. All that you were a victim of the serial killer Kyuubi. How unfortunate, don't worry. I'm here to take care of you." Sasuke talked as he dried the boy on the toilet.

"Would you like white socks or black socks?" Sasuke held the two pairs of socks in front of the other. Naruto didn't choose either. "Okay, black it is. Ah wait. They're much bigger than your feet! I must've gotten the wrong size.." Sasuke mumbled again.

"We have to go to the store now.."

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