42. Dumb Decisions.

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It was hard to let go and completely give up, after so many years of wishing and hoping he'd get it right.. I had to let go. The hardest part of letting go is knowing I'll never be able to give my daughter the life with both mommy and daddy. It's been much different waking up each morning to only Ava. Its just me and her, I find it to be lonely sometimes but most of the time I'm okay.

I got off my bed and made my way to the door, Stacy decided to start coming around again. I opened the door and rolled my eyes at her, she knows I'm mad at her.

"I brought food"

She held up the brown bag and shook it, everyone just knows my weakness..

"What is it?"

"Cheesesteak sub and a nice cold Pepsi"



"You know damn well I don't need this, I'm still getting this stomach down. And you're just trying to fatten me back up"

"Shut up, your stomach looks good and your ass looks great too. Now where's the diva, miss Ava Dior?"

"You're a shitty God mom, you haven't seen her since she was born"

Stacy sucked her teeth and sighed.. "I've been trying to come see y'all but some shit happened to me"

I sat down and motioned for her to sit next to me and spill the beans.

"What happen? I thought you went to Jersey to see some of Ted's family"

"I did.. but I also went to talk to this dude I've been messing with. About a week after the funeral I was just really sick. I couldn't stomach anything, my mom kept pushing me to take a pregnancy test. I did and it was positive, now at that point I was panicking. The baby could only be one of two peoples.."

My mouth dropped when she said that. I could not believe she was messing with two guys!

"Who's the second guy because I know the dude you went to talk to is one. Who else?"


I fell off the couch dramatically and started rolling on the floor. I wasn't ready, she's up in here talking about she's pregnant. And the baby might belong to this dude or Ted, this is going to cause so much drama if it hasn't already.

"Lord take me now!"

"Stop, get up and let me finish"

I sat up on the floor and told her to finish, I'm just gonna stay on the floor..

"The guy who's name is Jamaal, told me to come down to Jersey City and he'd go to the doctor with me to see how far along I'd be. Bitch... guess what the fuck I find out when I got to his door step!"

"He's married?"

"Yes bitch! About ten little bad ass kids running around already. So I'm standing at the door with a dumb ass look on my face. Because I don't know what to tell his wife, I ended up saying I had the wrong house. I'm not trying to fuck up his home if it turns out not to be his baby. I get back in the car and I call him, I cussed his ass out so bad I swore he was gonna cry"

I couldn't help myself I was laughing so hard, she's bold for this..

"So we get into the car and he's like so if you're really pregnant you gotta stay in Brooklyn. I'll come to your appointments and see you when I have to see you. He was ready to take care of his responsibilities but on the low. I made his ass give up that hush money, I don't keep quiet for free!"

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