Chapter 16: Convinced

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A/N: lil reminder to get help if you need it,,, don't be like Sophie(read: don't be stupid she is an idiot don't be like her pls), get professional help when things get to be too much. You don't have to deal with your pain alone <3

"Grady, you can't be serious! Taking her to visit Brant?"

Edaline's voice carried up the stairs and to Sophie's ears, and though she tried not to pay attention, it was impossible to ignore the frantic murmurs when they concerned her.

"Well, I figured it'd be good for us," Grady pleaded with his wife. "We need to stop hiding from him. From everyone."

"Hiding?" Edaline hissed. "She was trembling when you two got back! I'd rather hide than subject my daughter to that."

"Edaline." Sophie could hear the soft rustling of Grady's jacket as he moved. "You need to trust that she can handle herself."

"She was shaking, Grady," Edaline whispered. "So hard she could hardly carry her bag. In her condition... what were you thinking, taking her to see him?"

"Well," Grady sounded unsure now, "I thought she could handle it."

Sophie blinked, shifting from her uncomfortable curled-up position on her bed. Even Grady was doubting her now? She was fine. Sure, the visit had shaken her up a bit, but why wouldn't it? Even her dad had looked worse for wear by the time they left.

"Maybe... maybe it's time to get help," Edaline said quietly.

Sophie bolted upright. Help?

She could tell from Edaline's tone that "help" meant sending her off to a shrink. But they had promised. They'd promised that no matter how tough it got, they wouldn't take her to therapy unless she wanted it. Besides, if anyone needed someone to sit them down and interrogate them about their mental state, it was Brant.

"I think Brant needs therapy more than any of us, Eda," Grady said, voicing Sophie's thoughts. She breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Maybe they both do. Maybe I should call..."

Sophie jumped out of bed, unlocking her door and throwing it open. She dashed down the stairs, nearly falling as she stopped at the first step.

"You can't!" she yelled. Edaline and Grady whirled around from where they stood in the living room, faces painted with shock.

"Sophie, what-" Edaline tried, but Sophie barreled on.

"You can't send me to a shrink! It's bad enough having to talk to Tiergan about my feelings at school, and I really can't deal with some stranger prying into my life on top
of that. And honestly, Mom, with each day that passes I'm getting better and better. I'm healing!"

Sophie was surprised to find that she believed the words tumbling from her lips as she frantically tried to convince them that she didn't need a therapist to do the healing for her. She had faith in herself, and faith that she could repair. What she didn't need was a counselor barging in and ruining her progress.

"A-Alright, Sophie," Edaline stuttered, caught off guard by Sophie's sudden speech. Though it could have just been the light, Sophie thought she saw tears swimming in her mom's eyes. But they weren't sad, no. They were fond, and maybe even just a little bit proud.

Sophie's heart swelled. She walked over and took her mom's hand in hers. "Please, Mom. Let me fix myself."

Edaline put her other hand on Sophie's cheek. "You don't need to fix anything, Sophie. You're more than enough just the way you are."

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