Chapter 1- Buck

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The year was 1951, your life was quite different then other small children. You lost your Mother in a car crash, your Father was murdered, your Grandmother drowned... You were the only child and all of your family members exept your Grandfather died of unnatural causes and you knew that someone was causing them, but you don't know who.

"Hey, it's time for lunch kiddo!" You Grandfather yells from downstairs.

"Coming!" 5 year old Y/n says running down the steps.

"Now what have I told you about running down the steps?" Your Grandfather asks.

"Not too..."

"Exactly! don't want to end up like your Uncle Fern... that son of a b*tch..." He mumbles the last part.

"Soooo.... what's for lunch Grandpa?" Y/n smiles.

"PIZZA!!! Invented in 1889!" He smiles placing a slice on your plate.

"YUMMY!!!" Y/n smiles eating crazy.

"Be careful, Kiddo! You don't want to end up like your Aunt Fawn... that bast*rd..." He mumbles the last part again.

You eat happily.

Grandpa Buck's POV-

Poor kiddo... doesn't know what is going to happen in a few years...

I hope that deer doesn't hurt her...

Normal POV-

"Grandpa! I'm done!" Y/n happily shows her plate.

"Okay! Go play outside now!" He grins.

2 years later (WARNING- 2 HUGE Plot twists!)

Grandpa Buck was sick for 1 week, you tried your hardest to take care of him, cleaning the house, feeding him, Etc.

"Grandpa Buck?"

"Y/n... I need to talk with you..." Grandpa Buck says in a raspy voice.

As your Grandfather lies on his deathbed, he tells you of  terrible crimes he commited many years ago...

"I'm a serial killer, Y/n... PLEASE DON'T GET SCARED!!!"

"so... y-you killed m-my mother and f-father..." Tears stream down your S/c face.

"yes... b-but only because I had too!"


"Because they were going to kill you! they didn't want any children... I thought it was bizzare! but they didn't want you, so... I murdered them..."

"Did you murder more people?"


You sit back

"Y/n... I made a deal with a demon to clear my name..."

"h-he w-will c-c-come out of the... s-shadows..." Your Grandpa says before taking his final breath of the cold air...

You run out of the room and run outside.

You don't want anything to do with this... demon...

Running, you bump into a tall man... when you look up you see crimson eyes staring back at you.

"Hello, Dear~ Y/n right?" He says.

You run into the woods as fast as you can...

Running faster you trip on a tree root and fly into the air, rolling down a hill...

You sit there and cry, scratches cover your face.

"Oh Y/n~ Darling you can't hide from me~"

You run into a bush

What has your Grandfather done too you? Why has he sent a demon to hurt you? Why?

"There you are, Darling~ I thought you would pick a harder spot to hide in..."

You scream and back away, only to fall down the bridge almost into a lake...

Two arms quickly grab your waist and pull you up, he looks at you with his grin growing everso slightly

"Oh... look at these scratches... *clicks tongue* this just won't due..."

You stare at him with fixed eyes, that's when he did something unexpected...

He licked the blood off your cheek...

"So refreshing~" He smiles.

"S o    T a S t Y"

He clears his throat loudly...

"sorry..." He says quietly, seting you down softly.

"Anyway! There is someone I want you to meet, Darling! She is the princess of Hell, and you need too sleep somewhere... am I right?"

You nod

"Perfect!" He says.

He picks you up

"Let's go!"

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