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"We only have one passion, and that is to dance.

But when you came into my life, my passion became two.

Because the second one is attaining you."


"Ladies and gentleman, make some noise for. . . Sean Lewww!" As the MC announces his name, the crowds start to get wild as they excitedly ready themselves for another mind-blowing heartfelt performance from the one and only Sean Charles Lew. On the other hand, Sean has never felt more nervous until today. He's still shaking his hands in hopes that the worry shakes off of his body. For an unknown reason, he even couldn't determine why he is feeling this way. . . Ever since that day.

"Let's go, Sean Lew!"

"Sean, we love you!"

"Sean, aah!"

Screams of thrilled fans cover the whole arena as they
patiently wait for him to step foot on the stage. It was World Of Dance 2017, and he is one of the guests to perform, and he didn't hesitate to join.

"Hey, Sean? You okay?" His train of thoughts suddenly got interrupted when someone talks behind him. It was Josh.

"Y–yeah. Sorry." He lies to his friend before exhaling and pushing him outside of the backstage, now welcoming three spotlights and countless cheering crowds. He hears the glass shattered effect that made him stare around him for a second before looking down as he starts to walk into the center, head bent as his white sweatshirt comfortably loses around his body.

As the first beat starts to echo into the prominent speakers, so is the noise from the crowd dies down.

<Are we wrong, are we right. . . We jump first and then decide...>

Just by hearing from the first verse, his body instantly moves on his own as he stretches his hand as if he's reaching out onto something, but he suddenly pulls it back again and shakes his head slowly.

He decided to dive into the music as he lets his muscle memory perform the dance he's been practicing. The same dance that made him inspire by doing it, because of one particular person.

But she wasn't there.

She wasn't watching.

She's not standing by the pools of the crowd.

She's wasn't there to cheer him up.

And it made him realize one thing.

He loved her too much.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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