Chapter One: In The Same Boat

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Clementine groaned opened her eyes. She was lying on a cold, metal floor, the small indents pressing into her cheek.
She pushed herself up with her hands and noticed AJ standing at the front of the room. He was vainly trying to see out of the barred door, a feat his short stature wouldn't allow him to undertake.
She took note of her surroundings; a fairly plain, square room. A bed on one side next to the door, the only window plated over with sheet metal and a sturdy looking iron door.
If she didn't know any better, she'd say it was a cell.

"Clem, you're awake." AJ whispered, giving up on what he was doing and running to her.
She gave him a hug, squeezing him tightly in her arms.

"They hit you on the head, you were asleep for a long time." AJ explained.

"Who hit me?"

"I dunno. Bad people I guess?"

Clem got to her feet and approached the door. She tried to get a better view of outside the cell, but all she saw was a long hallway with more cells on either side.


Clementine quickly turned to face the source of the sound. She saw the cell directly opposite hers wasn't empty.

"Hey, what's your name?" A boy with dreadlocks and freckles whisper-yelled at her from the other cell.

"What?" She said back, confused.

"Your name? I'm Louis."

"Clementine..." she said slowly.

"Cool name. Uhh... do you know where we are?"

She shook her head.

"No idea, sorry."

"Damn it. Guess were in the same boat then."

"Louis, who are you talking to?" A second voice sounded from the cell.

A taller boy stepped into view behind Louis. He sported an atrocious, blonde mullet and had the slightest hint of a moustache visible on his face.

"That's Clementine, they nabbed her too I guess." Louis explained.

"No shit? How'd I miss that. Nice to meet you, I'm Marlon."

Clem gave him a polite nod.

"Brody, you with us? Come meet Clementine." Marlon said over his shoulder.

Clementine was surprised to see that there was in fact another person in the cell. A wide eyed, auburn haired girl.

"Uhh... hi?" Brody waved, unsure of what to say.

"Hi. So what's going on here, how'd you guys end up in this place? Wherever this place is." Clem asked, leaning on the bars.

"Bunch of asshole raiders jumped us in the woods. They blindfolded us and dragged us here, you?"

Clem furrowed her brow, trying to remember how she ended up in the cell. Nothing came of it, she couldn't remember anything after a day or so ago, mostly AJ and herself driving through the backroads of Virginia.

"No idea, can't remember anything."

"Ah. Maybe they knocked you out or something? They did that to our friend, she's still unconscious in here." Marlon explained.
Clementine turned to AJ, who was listening attentively.

"Didn't you say they hit me on the head?"

AJ nodded.

"With a big piece of wood." He specified.

"That explains the headache."

The sound of a heavy door scraping on the floor echoed through the hallway. All of them fell silent as footsteps came closer and closer to them.

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