Chapter Twenty-Two: The Coming Storm

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Clementine's footsteps echoed through the empty white brick hallway.
Her legs felt weak and her heart thundered inside her chest.

It's the right thing to do. No matter how this plays out.

The attempted reassurance she gave herself didn't do much to quell the dread looming over her.
Reaching the double doors on the right, she shoved them open and walked into the large shared sleeping quarters where Minnie was living.
Clem could see the redhead lying on her bed reading a small, battered book.
She took a deep breath and approached her.

"Oh my god your hair." Minnie exclaimed, tossing her book on the bed behind her and springing up.

"Huh? Oh yeah, Sophie cut it for me."

"I love it." The redhead smiled.

"Thanks." Clem said halfheartedly, attempting a smile.

Minnie saw through the farce right away.

"Is something wrong?"

"Is there a place we can talk in private?" Clem sighed.

"Uhh... yeah, follow me."

Minnie led her out of the barracks and further down the hall, to a solitary wooden door.
She opened it, revealing a utility closet. Both of them stepped in and flipped the light switch.

"What did you want to talk about?"

Clem took a deep breath.

"We've been planning an escape, basically since we got to the Delta."

Minnie said nothing, she just stared at Clem in shock.
Clem wanted desperately for her to speak, but instead she was confronted with more stunned silence.

"We're so close to having it all ready, and I really want you to come with us."

"Clem... I don't think that's a good idea." Minnie finally said in a low husky voice, "Do you know what they'll do if they catch you?"

"I do, Sophie told me about those kids. But we really have something here, we're being smart about it, and-"

"Wait, Sophie knows?"

"Well... now she does."

"You told Sophie before you told me?"

Minnie's voice was beginning to tremble.

"No I- Louis told Sophie."

"Do you not trust me?" Minnie asked, sounding choked.

"Of course I do..."

"Then why did you wait until the last minute to tell me you were leaving?"

Clem winced at the pain in her voice.
Minnie looked to be on the verge of tears, her eyes glistening in the low light of the single bulb.

"I-" Clem faltered.

She had no idea what she could say to make Minnie feel better. Clem's stomach was doing backflips, she felt like she was going to throw up.

"Yeah, okay." The redhead huffed.

Minnie opened the closet door and started down the hall.
Clem jumped out as well, almost tripping over a broom.

"Minnie, please wait."

Minnie stopped and turned on her heel.

"Clem. I need some time alone, okay?" Minnie snapped.

She sniffed and turned her head away, wiping her eyes with the palm of her hand.
Without another word, the tall girl disappeared around the corner, leaving Clementine standing alone in the fluorescent-lit hall.
She ran her hands over her hair, smoothing it back and letting out a long sigh. Clem let herself fall back, leaning on the wall and slowly sliding down.

The River (Clemerva)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora