Chapter 5

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We fear and despise

What we cannot control

Hato found himself sitting at the dining table of the East family. Yukna was sitting next to him wishing that she could leave and look for Kyona. Kentaro was sitting next to her, his eagle eyes watching her every move. There was a lot of tension in the air no doubt.

"Here, eat." Mrs East walked over to the table and placed down a large plater lined with silver with various cuts of fruit laid down on it. "I have contacted your parents; they are perfectly alright with you staying here." She reassured them.

"Thank you." Hato replied. He wasn't that hungry, and he felt it rude to simply barge into their household and eat their food, but Yukna had already dived into the food and was stuffing her face.

"So, when are we going to go get Kyona?" Yukna asked casually. Kentaro glared at her in annoyance. "Well Grey and June haven't come back so..." She gestured to the door and mimed in her chair sneaking out.

"No." Kentaro replied coldly.

"Why?" Yukna asked him with aggression. She was mad.

"We were instructed not to-"

"Oh, so you're gonna go down that road, are you?" Yukna asked him with sass in her voice and anger in her tone. "You're always going by the books, what happened to that boy who was the biggest troublemaker of all of us, huh?" She pushed him in his chair. "Now you're always by the rules now, even if it costs Kyona her life!" Yukna stood up in rage. She stood so abruptly that her chair fell. It made a deafening crack sound as it hit the ground. Everyone fell silent. Kentaro sat there silently as he sipped his tea. "Say something!"

"What do you want me to say?" Kentaro said slightly agitated. He slammed his cup down on the table and everyone flinched slightly at his uncharacteristic anger. "I'm not selling out Kyona to the rules, I just, I don't know what to do. The Masters know better than I do, so they should handle it." He reached his hands into his hair and fiddled with it, a motion he did when he was thinking.

"I...I'm sorry." Yukna said quietly as she fixed her fallen chair upright again. She sat back down and remained quiet for the rest of the afternoon.

After eating a hefty dinner, Mrs East insisted that they eat, the three of them renewed themselves and rested in Kentaro's room. His room wasn't quite bland, but it wasn't the most exciting thing. It was a large room with a large single bed in the left corner with bedside table next to it. Laid down next to the bed were two fluffy mattresses, fitted with woollen sheets and pillows. The walls were a perfect wooden pattern much like Kyona's home but with only one outward window, though his house was surprisingly larger. On each mattress laid a new pair of clean, white pyjamas .

"Uh..." Yukna groaned tiredly as she fell arms out onto a mattress on the floor. "Worrying makes me tired." She said, exhausted. She snuggled herself comfortably into her sheets. Yukna curled into a relaxed ball in her sheets and prepared herself immediately for a good night's sleep. "Goodnight..." She whispered softly as she drifted off to sleep.

"Man, she sleeps quickly." Hato said surprised. He shook her in her bed to make sure she was asleep. Yukna didn't respond, but she secretly lay awake.

"Yeah, I envy her." Kentaro said as tears formed slightly in his eyes. He held them back as hard as he could, but a single tear escaped his eyes and it rolled down his chiselled cheek. Hato noticed this and tried to keep a conversation going, to distract him from whatever was bothering him.

"Why?" Hato asked him gently.

Kentaro replied sombrely, "She's always ready to disobey, for the right reasons. And she's just so carefree, she's the same child she was 12 years ago." He looked down envyingly at her sleeping form. "I wish I had the same child's spirit as her, but I lost that wild spirited boy a while ago." Kentaro toyed his fingers into his thick hair.

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