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Live every moment of your life as your last one, when we think of bigger things everytime in our life then we are just trying to stuck ourselves to this materialistic world instead of those emotions and people who comfort us, so let yourselves to think about those moments which are not only soothing for you but also give you endless pleasure when recalled, so here's we not to get into verses of others but to set up our own and to work for that. It usually happens with all of us we are taught about others and their success stories but it's not really we should bother about all of us have our way to deal things and that what all of us should do. Best things could happen to us at all time is moral support that usually of our family and friends and if we don't have that we can get, find that moral support within our own selves, so let your moral, confident to boost up as this is something no one could break. Never let others to interfere in your dreams be that much strong to live your life in your own way and live your every moment with happiness. Try to look up on yourself is something we do into our tough times, when things don't go in our own way don't think much but try to look upon things we could try to make better and what we have instead those what we loose. Loose and wining are two phases of life, we should work on winning but should not forget the lose as this could be pedestal in our win. We may become stressed out on everything on this part of lose but never lose your passion for living life because passion is must for living life whether it is full of up and down so "Life without passion is not life." Be at your atmost passion, then things gonna be in your own way, Sometimes we feel that we are not given too much opportunities like others, it is something ironical that we all think, opportunities always open for everyone at specific time but what is needed to click to them at right time, but actually we often fails to do so. So defines a right time to pick up opportunities. Life is hope in itself so never loose that and live it to fullest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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