𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓫𝓻𝓪𝓻𝔂...

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A/N: I know this is the first story, but a friend begged me for this so thank you Via for this suggestion!! They are all 17 in this one shot and still in the orphanage but this is a no demons AU. Anyways I hope you all enjoy!! and again thank you Via for requesting this!! :D

                                                                               (3rd person POV)

Ray had been in the library all day today, He didn't want to be bothered but he also didn't want to worry the others. So, He had left a note saying where to find him if they needed him but not to bother him unless it was important because he wanted to be left alone with his thoughts for a while.The others hadn't found this note yet though, so no one knew where the raven haired boy was. Said boy was glad that no one had came to bother him though, He had gotten some serious thinking done and had decided on a matter he was neglecting for a while. Ray Liked Norman. A lot actually. and he had no idea what to do but eventually came to the conclusion that he probably should tell Norman how he felt sooner or later.

Ray loved the silence. All Ray ever wanted to do was just...Curl up alone with a good book and some silence...But he also had to deal with the two 17 year olds that are mentally five. sometimes they annoyed Ray, but he couldn't deny the fact he loved them both.
 Ray saw Emma, an orange haired girl with big eyes and a hyper personality, as a sister to him and well, Norman.. a boy not much shorter than Ray, with platinum blonde hair, big loving eyes a smirk that drove Ray insane and this laugh..That whenever Ray heard it, he got butterflies in his stomach and he got weak in the knees....
Ray sighed slamming his book shut. He couldn't focus anymore...Ray slid his hands into his hair pulling at it a bit though not enough to hurt himself. Ray decided to let his thoughts take over for once and he calmed down, closing his eyes and thinking a bit.
I wonder what Norman's up to right now..?
Norman's smirk..That fucking asshole..Always gets me with that smirk of his..

All Ray could think of was Norman..Norman this, Norman that..Its not like Ray minded but it just was getting so annoying! Ray smacked himself on the face a few times to re-gain composer as he was already a blushing mess from just thinking of the albino.

Ray had gotten fed up with the silence. It was just making his thoughts run even more wild. You wouldn't even know the things Ray had been thinking of. You would never think such..Dirty thoughts could come into a kid like Ray's mind. It was very rare Ray thought like this but sometimes it did happen.The raven haired boy shook these thoughts out of his head and buried his head in his knees to compose himself, as he had began growing a darker shade of crimson. Then once he had somewhat composed himself, The dark green eyed boy had gotten up of the window ledge he had been sat on and made his way out of the library and set on a search for the one and only Norman...

Ray had reached the common room and saw the 2 girls sitting at a table and Ray sighed..Then he saw.. Him. The one and only Norman..Ray's mind went to the gutter immediately as Ray started undressing Norman with his eyes But he soon pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind and slowly started to walk up to the group Ray noticed Norman's cheeky smirk that he always wears and it made Ray weak in the knees, and he smiled slightly as he stood next to Norman and Emma. "H-hi..U-uh..Can i borrow Norman for a bit...?" Ray muttered, playing with his sleeves and looking down biting his lip a bit as well 

Emma smiled brightly at Ray, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she nodded her head "Mhm!! Ofc you can Ray!!!!" the ginger stated as excited as she's ever been because she knew what was about to transpire between the two boys.

Ray blushed a bit, before briefly thanking Emma and grabbing Norman by the sleeve and pulling him out of the main hall. Norman stumbled a bit as Ray pulled him through the halls of the orphanage, making their way to the library. Ray stopped once he get to the library door and he flushed even redder, Ray slowly opened the library door and let Norman's hand go. "F-follow me p-please..?" Ray said still with a stutter  but he had cool, monotone voice back as he started into the library. Norman nodded, following Ray through the library until they had reached a spot where only Ray knew existed so they could chat alone.

Ray sat down on the floor and scratched the back of his neck also biting his lip a bit "I- Uh...I just..We need to talk.." Ray said, his tone getting a bit serious but not much, as he was still a blushing and stuttering mess. Norman looked at Ray with concern laced into his tone and expression and nodded asking "Oh? About what?"    





             ~TO BE CONTINUED BITCHES- SHGSSGSGS IM SO SO SORRY BUT I JUST AM OUT                             OF IDEAS ATM I WILL CONTINUE THIS ASAP THOUGH!! AGAIN I AM SO SO SO                                     SORRY GShYGSHGSBJSHS!!~ Anyways, i hope you enjoyed!! Bye my darlings!!
                                                                                                                                              -Lia (Author-San) {Muah}

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