Part 1: Everything Nice(?)

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Far, far, away, in a land where nearly no one goes, there was a town. Now this town was barely surviving, they had to travel so far to get to another town. Everyone in that town had a job. They provided for each other when needed. It was the only way of surviving. When people started arguing, it was soon ended as they already had enough problems, a fight is a problem that can be avoided. However, Nefeli had a special job. It was to watch the weather as it can be their only source of water when it rains. One day, she went out to check on the weather when she saw something horrible. A storm was coming their way. A storm bigger than any other storm she saw. This wasn't going to help the crops, it was going to destroy it.

Nefeli quickly ran into the towns square and rang the bell that was reserved for emergencies. It woke up the other villagers and they gathered together. Once they heard of the storm, they quickly went back home and packed every item that was needed. Some farmers prepared some seeds in case none could be found. They gathered in the town bunker, it was cramped but it would save their lives. They heard the howling winds of the storm and the harsh breeze of the wind. They fell into a deep slumber but was awake at dawn. They crawled out and was shocked at the sight. Their town was ruined.

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