GiyuTan Fluff

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Thank you to: Sami_XOXO123 for the suggestion!

    Giyuu's POV

   I was walking down the pathway to the Butterfly Mansion, where Tanjiro is. As i was walking I heard screaming, I began to ran to see what was happening. When i got there I saw Tanjiro holding back Inosuke, the boar boy, from attacking Zenitsu, the skittish yellow haired boy. I stood there with a expressionless look. Mostly cause this always happens and because Tanjiro is holding Inosuke, I want that to be me being held by Tanjiro..

"AH- Giyuu-san a little help?" Tanjiro called out to me. "Sure." I grabbed Inosuke and Zenitsu and sat them down on the floor. "Stop." I said with a demanding tone. "Whatever." "Y-YESSIR!".(You can probably guess who said what.)

    Tanjiro's POV

   When i woke up this morning to Inosuke and Zenitsu were already fighting. "Guys could you please stop and keep it down. People are still trying to sleep." "No! Monjiro, this loser is trying to steal Aoi from me!". "YOU UGLY BOAR! SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU, SHE LIKES ME!". " NO! YOU HAVE DEMON GIRL!" I stood up at that comment. There is no way in heck that in an going to let that bird brain marry my sister!( *Hawks has entered the chat* "Hey!" Oops wrong story.) "T-Tanjiro! I swear I wasn't thinking about marrying your sister!". " Really..?" I had this dark arua around me that even made Inosuke shiver. "Uh- lets go train." Inosuke said breaking the tension. "Okay." I said and walked away. A few minutes later they started fighting again. "TRAIN HARDER, LOSER!" "I'M TRYING YOU UGLY BOAR!" "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Inosuke jumped at Zenitsu and started to choke him. I ran over and pulled Inosuke off Zentitsu and he managed to escape. As I was holding Inosuke, Giyuu-san ran in. "AH- Giyuu-san a little help?" He grabbed them both and sat them on the floor. "Stop." He said in a demanding tone, not gonna lie his was quite hot. They agreed and went back training quietly. "Thank you, Giyuu-san!" "You're welcome, Tanjiro." I smiled at him and he slightly grinned which made me happy.

   "Hey, Giyuu-san! Wanna get lunch?" I asked. "Sure." He said. "What do you want? I'll buy." "Umm I'll take Katsudon!" I wanted Katsudon so bad. "Okay lets go." He said and grabbed my hand.

    Giyuu's POV

   I'm glad Tanjiro asked me for lunch. This way i can spend more time with him. We went to go get Katsudon, Tanjiro's request. I don't really care for Katsudon, but Tanjiro wants it so I'll het it for him. I had his hand and pulled him to the restaurant. I liked holding his hand.

   When we got there the lady helped us. "How can i help you boys today?". The lady with silk black hair asked. "A table for two please." "Okay! Follow me!" She lead us to a table in the back of the restaurant with nice lighting. Perfect, privacy. "Here you go! Can i start you guys with some drinks?" "Water. What do you want Tanjiro?" "I'll also take a water!" He said with a smile. "Okay! I'll be back." She walked away to get our drinks. I scooted my chair over closer to Tanjiro's. I saw a pink shade stretch across his face.

    3rd Person POV

   As Giyuu scooted his chair closer to Tanjiro he saw blush stretch across the boy's face. "How was your day today, love?" Giyuu asked. "U-uhm it was good. Besides Inosuke and Zenitsu fighting. I'm sorry about them too." The small boy managed to sputter out. "Oh, it's quite alright. I love saving you, Kitten." Tanjiro blushed like crazy at the little nickname. Giyuu smirked knowing Tanjiro likes the nickname he gave him. "Ah~ you like that?" Giyuu whispered in the small males ear, sending shivers down his spine. When Giyuu was about to kiss Tanjiro the waitress came back. "Here are your waters, boys! Sorry for the wait." She placed the two glasses of water on the table and placed two straws down.
"Can i take your order?"
"Yes, we would like a large plate of Katsudon."
"Okay! Anything else?"
"No, we are good."
"Alright, I'll be back!"
"Thank you."

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