𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫 - 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲

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It was another rainy day of the week. You couldn't decide whether you liked rainy days or not. Your numb body sat up and you rubbed your eyes. Getting up you noticed a text appear on your phone. It was your best friend, Reiner. Well, one of your best friends. 


-𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙣 𝙩𝙤𝙙𝙖𝙮? 

You sat there thinking to yourself. "Should ?..." you asked yourself . Would Eren even be jealous? What if this didn't work out? You shook your head and then texted Reiner back. 


-𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙣 𝙩𝙤𝙙𝙖𝙮? 

                                                                                                       𝙔𝙚𝙖! 𝙎𝙚𝙚 𝙮𝙖 𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙞𝙣 10-

Then you grabbed your bag and ran downstairs and grabbed your shoes putting them on then ran outside locking your door and continued your way to school. 12 minutes passed and you finally arrived at school. Bit earlier than you expected, but you didn't mind. As soon as you caught your breath you walked into school putting your umbrella away and wiping your shoes off on a matt. Running up the stairs you dashed to your classroom hoping Eren wouldn't be there so you and Reiner could talk about todays plan. As soon as you arrived at the door you opened it a bit to rough and loud. The only kids in the class were Bertholdt, Annie, Ymir, Christa, and Reiner. "Ah, there's the victim." Ymir joked getting off the table she was sitting on. "I'm no victim!- wait what do you mean by that, Ymir?" You asked looking confused standing there completely oblivious and like an idiot. Annie looked at you and cocked her head to Reiner and Bertholdt. You were confused at first then it clicked in your mind. "Reiner! Bertholdt!! Why would you tell the others?!" "What. It's no big deal. Plus I needed help from miss sassy over here." Reiner yawned his reference to Ymir. "Say that again and your ass is grass." Ymir growled at him. "Hey, hey! Ymir it's okay! Just a nickname." Christa giggled hugging Ymir from the neck. And Ymir hugged her back. You always thought they were adorable. Because they were. Then you glared at Bertholdt. "Why didn't you do anything, Bert?" Asking him looking at him as if you were about to murder him. "I- I tried! But Reiner wasn't agreeing with m-" he got stopped by Annie kicking his leg. "Ouch! What was that for?" Bertholdt asked holding his leg a bit looking at Annie. She shrugged then winked at you. Annie was like a sister to you, same with Ymir. You three were like 3 peas in a pod. You smiled at her and winked back. Reiner always asked if you guys were flirting or doing morse code when you guys did that. But it was just your way of saying thanks or I gotcha covered. So sorta yes.

A couple minutes flew by and you and Reiner had practiced enough. "Ready?" You asked. "Ready." He replied then you both walked back in class and sat down seeing that Armin, Mikasa, and Eren had already been seated. "Now we wait..." you thought to yourself giggling. 

Hours passed by and it was now lunch time. And the time to prank Eren. You knew Eren liked you, and you liked Eren. But to tease him a bit, you decided to prank him by pretending you were dating Reiner. Eren was always the type to get jealous or angry easily. Everyone ran out to the courtyard and stab down eating lunch. You looked at Eren as he was with Armin and Mikasa of course. After you pumped yourself up, you finally got the guts to do this."Your fine. I'm just as nervous to do this as you are." Reiner sighed. You couldn't blame him, he's always  been awkward like. "Okay lets do this." you said. Reiner and you were sitting down together acting as if you were a couple. Mikasa looked behind herself as she heard laughter coming from you two. She saw that you guys were in each others arms. Mikasa thought is was just a friend thing but she told Eren anyway. "Hey Eren." she said softly in her usual quiet voice. "Hm?" even looked at Mikasa with food all in his mouth. Mikasa pointed at you and Reiner still a bit confused, she couldn't figure out if you guys were flirting or just being the good friends you were. Then Reiner kissed you forehead, as planned obviously. Erens eyes widened from what just happened. "Did Reiner just...kiss their forehead?" He asked already getting mad as hell. "Eren..just calm down okay. we can sort these things out." Armin laughed nervously. It wasn't good when Eren was mad. "yea, we can right here and now." Eren laughed. He walked over to you and Reiner and asked. "So, whats this all about? Hm?" you looked at him and then said, "It's nothing. Just talking." You giggled patting Reiners head. "Mmhm. yea sure. I totally didn't just see Reiner kiss your head." his expression growing more angry. You couldn't hold it in anymore so right then and there you bursted out laughing. "Ahahahaha! You should've seen your face Eren!" you laughed as you fell on the floor. Reiner sorta laughed, he was nervous he was gonna get some ass kicking by Eren later. Jeager stood there and asked, "Wait what...?" "It's a prank." Reiner added getting up and rushing himself off. "That took way too much confidence to do that." he exhaled. Sasha, Connie, and Jean were all laughing in the back of the courtyard at Eren. "Wow Eren! You really almost were about to bust there!" Jean snickered high-fiving Connie. Eren turned around and pointed at Jean yelling "Shut up horse face! I'll beat you ass later!!" "Sure ya will bud!"Jean kept laughing. "Well i'll be on my way now." Reiner said starting to walk away but then he got pulled down by you. "Thanks by the way!" you giggled smiling at him. He nodded and smiled back, you then let go of him and got back up going to Eren. "Sorry about that, just a tiny prank." you exhaled. Eren looked back at you with fiery eyes then they softened. "I-its alright. So your..not dating Reiner?" he asked rubbing his neck. "Nope! Because i already know you like me. And i like you of course!" you smiled hugging his and kissed his cheek. As Armin and Mikasa watched you two they both smiled. "That's..sweet." Mikasa laughed a tad bit. "I agree!" Amin added. "O-Oh. Well, uhh does this mean-" "It can if you want!" you stopped him. "Okay then. so were officially dating i guess." He smiled  hugging you back. 

||Word Count: 1113||

||Time: 11 hours||

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