Chapter 6- Healing

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Your POV

The strange boy led me to an odd cave on a hill. It was dark and eerie. He sat down and let two Pokémon out of their pokeballs. An umbreon and a...what is that?

"Um...who's that Pokemon?" I asked, pointing to the hunched over wolf-like creature.

"This is-" The boy began to answer but my annoying pokedex chimed in. "Allow me! Lycanroc. Midnight form. The Wolf Pokemon. They live alone without forming packs. They will only listen to orders from Trainers who can draw out their true power."

"Um...thank you" I said to Rotom.

"At your service!".

The mysterious trainer looked annoyed. He glared at Rotom and shook his head. His Lycanroc walked over to me. The edgy young one's expression was a mixture of surprise and worry. The Pokémon stared at me, then patted my head. "Lycanroc." It said in a deep voice.

"Oh...?" I remarked, slightly confused at the Pokemon's actions . Umbreon looked at his trainer, then sat down beside him. Lycanroc went and stood on his other side.

"I'm y/n". I said.

"Ok." He responded

I let out an exaggerated sigh. "You're kind of mean, you know."

"You're kind of dumb, you know. You're so weak you couldn't protect your own Pokémon, and instead of taking them to a Pokémon center you followed a weird guy to a dark cave. That's stupid."

I stared at him, tears in my eyes. "You're right" I eventually choked out, turning my head to the ground in shame.

"Gladion". he mumbled.

"What?" I asked softly.

"That's my name." He said a bit louder. "Gladion".

I looked up to meet his gaze. "...That's a pretty cool name" I smiled a bit.

He shook his head, then reached his hand out. I went to shake it but he pulled it away. "No, not you. Your Pokémon. Jeez..."

I could feel my face get red with embarrassment. "Oh. Yeah, right." I handed him the pokeballs for Riolu and Litten.

Riolu came out pretty energized but something was wrong with Litten...

"Olu!" he said enthusiastically, running to hug me.

Litten mewed weakly between raspy breaths, falling after multiple attempts to stand on his own. Riolu looked back over, his face mixed with confusion and worry.

Gladion cradled my little Pokémon, and fed it some type of berry. "Please, eat this" he said.

Litten slowly picked the berry up in his paws and munched on it. Slowly but surely, the purple poison vanished from his face and he mustered the strength to stand up. Riolu walked over to him, and patted him on the head, perhaps feeling sorry he had a childish fight with him before.

"He should be fine with plenty of rest." Gladion told me, while picking up Litten and handing him to me.

"Thank you...I'm sorry litten. I'm so sorry." I held my beloved Pokémon in my arms. I was so grateful my pokémon were okay, but so guilty I wasn't a good enough trainer to protect them. Litten purred, letting me known it was ok.

Gladion put some type of blanket down on the hard cave floor. Then he put another one overtop of him and turned away on his side. He was going to sleep.

I laid down on the wet cave floor. "Riolu, Litten return." I put them back into their pokeballs and laid down on the wet cave floor, and fell asleep.

Tomorrow will be better.

Rivals at first sight (Gladion x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now