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 Ena stood, auction day was the ꅐꄲꋪꇙꏂ, no.. No.. Ena remembered how much these things meant to some of her friends and she needed to stay calm. It was the day to be excited and happy for the clear times that never usually happened, she grew to love her broken and disorganized world. "Wonder what they will be auctioning today! Isn't that great?" The moon spoke to Ena with a excited voice. Ena frowned and shook her head, her depressed state coming back to haunt her, "awful so awful!" Ena threw up and came back to her normal self, "amazing!"
Moony looked at what she supposed was her friend, what Ena had just done was normal but still could throw anyone onto the edge, it was abnormal but Moony never made the girl feel bad about it. Ena watched as the man talk and talk. It was quite boring but Ena tried to be happy, seeing how excited Moony was. Ena stiffened a sigh, and looked around, boredom following everything she tried to be interested in. She wanted it to be over so she could go back and stop feeling so outnumbered. "When will it enddd?" Ena's uncontrollable side popped in.
Ena pushed the side back down. Moony stared at the girl and made a slight movement, possibly a shrug. Ena sighed in defeat and continued to wait and wait, the thought of leaving the place early was deadly craved by the miscolored women who stood there and watched not bidding on anything, she didn't dare speak, she knew how much she would cry if she did. Ena messed with her hands, the twinge of guilt for being so rude to her friend. "I didn't mean to be so mean! I apologize greatly!" Ena said quickly, glitching at times. "Yeah no worries." Moony replied.
 Moony continued to be sucked into the auction man's voice and continuously shouting out numbers to beat the "ugly" people. As the auction ended Ena let out a sigh of relief, it was over and she was so happy that it was, Ena grabbed her moon friend and ran away from the area. "Woah woah. Ena you don't look too hot, you okay?" Ena shook her head in response, she didn't feel well at all. Which was why she got away from everyone, she didn't know what was going to happen. Ena jolted upwards as a portal to somewhere opened infront of them.
 Moony grumbled about wanting a regular day but of course Ena had to go and do something that broke the world again like always. "Ena we need to go back home. I'm not doing this today please?" Moony was aggresively shaking and trying to pull Ena back with no success, duh Moony had no arms to grab Ena. This day wasn't going as planned for the moon as Ena forced Moony and then herself into the portal. Ena's heart was pounding with excitement, she always loved a good adventure from time to time, Moony however was the complete opposite.
 They were met with nothing, just a black void that contained nothing besides the two girls, "This was terrible idea! We are going to die Dammit!!" The blue side of Ena came through, usually when the blue side of her would come out Ena would come back into control but with no bright side in this Ena's yellow side was nowhere to be seen. This was bothersome and confusing to Moony, she had never seen Ena so down in the dumps before, or it usually never took this long for her to become happy again. Moony grumbled, "Ena! Get a hold of yourself! It's your fault now fix it!" Ena couldn't calm down, she continued sobbing and sobbing. "What do we do? This is awful! Just awful." Moony rolled her eyes and huffed but didn't say anything to comfort the girl, it was her fault anyways. While Ena was a mess Moony looked around and yelled, "I found an exit!!" This caught Ena's attention and her happy side was back, "I just knew we would make it out!" Moony huffed once again but went through a different portal, praying that it was the portal they needed to get home.
 Ena followed soon after and got excited but was greeted with bright colors making her yelp and covered her eyes, "No warning? Rude Moony!" Ena was struck with fear when she realized that Moony didn't give a snarky comeback, leading her to uncover her eyes and look at her surroundings quickly. "No no no no this cannot be happening to me!", The blue side turned black and she started crying again, Moony was nowhere to be seen. Moony however wasn't far at all, right behind Ena to be exact, Ena felt a sharp twinge of sadness hit her heart as she fell onto the ground. Her moon friend being gone had fucked her over and she feared that she would be stuck in the unknown world that was full of colors.
 Ena sobbed uncontrollably just wanting her moon friend back, even if it took everything out of her. Her sobs became soft as she heard Moony hum quietly behind her, relief kicked in and Ena was finally calmed herself and stood up quickly and turned around to look at the moon that was laughing like a crazy person, anger entered Ena's heart without asking or knocking, as she started screaming at the moon harshly, "Why..Why did you do that?! Do..DO you know how much harm that caused me?!" Moony stopped laughing and froze, fear from Ena's outburst. The moon backed away quickly, "Ena d-dear? What has gotten into you??"
 "What's gotten into me?! I'm fine besides the fact that you scared me half to death!" Ena mumbled to herself and groaned, "uggggghhh dearest apologies." Ena turned away from Moony and started walking in a random direction and simply didn't start walking, 'It'll be fine' Ena noted to herself, she just needed to calm down before she did something she would regret. Moony was scared to follow but did it anyways because she didn't want to see Ena hurt. They needed to get back home but Ena was determined to stay in this horrid place and have adventure, which wasn't Moony's cup of tea at the moment. "Moony dear, do you suppose we could have an adventure just for a little bit?" Ena turned to look at her floating moon friend. Moony groaned, "fine 30 minutes, I don't want to be here forever, got it?" Ena smiled at that and nodded running off, Moony chasing her down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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