beach day 🌴

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It was the next day after we moved in and my brother new friend freddy invited us to the beach for a party and reluctantly we had agreed. We got to the beach and since I'm not good at sports i hanged out with the girls including Ali. It was nighttime when i saw my brother glance at Ail probably trying to get her attention Ali had noticed and was staring back at my brother when she got up and went and hung out with daniel and then all of a sudden we hear motor bike and 5 guys came down to the beach and one of them started talking to Ail who clearly didn't want to talk to the boy and i stepped in when he broke her radio and i slapped him in the face hard and he and his 4 friends looked like they wanted to kill me before i was pushed back into the crowed held be some brunette haired guy with a blue leather jacket on. While my brother daniel on the other hand had his ass handed to him by the blonde and finally i had enough i quickly brought my head back and hit the guy hold me in the nose so he would drop his handle on me and i went after the blonds kicking him in the stomach then in the face and his friends were shocked to say the least. Then the one holding me had introduced himself as Bobby brown and the the blonde that i just kicked was johnny and then the others were jimmy,tommy, and dutch and i really didn't even care i just flipped all five of them off and i helped daniel up and we went back home to get some sleep for school tomorrow

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