Good news

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It was the year 1921.

Alastor had grown up, to be quiet the success in New Orleans. He did well with the changing times, the evolving jazz genre, the city in its self. He worked a few odd jobs in his late teens, but was offered the gig of a lifetime as a radio host. Something that he had always loved was the radio. So he was ecstatic at the mere thought. Let's just say he was well received by the public, he grew to be quite popular. Almost everyone in the area knowing exactly who he was.

Despite this, Alastor still opted to keep to his personal life. Not bothering with friends just as he used to. Of course there was his mother, they had always had a good relationship. And Rosie, a close family friend who he often would meet up with to talk about...other things. But he never once tried to have any relationships outside of those two.

Alastor had picked other hobby over the years, something no one would have expected from the cheerful, smiling, gentleman Alastor was a known murderer, well, they knew he existed. But no one had traced anything back to him. There had been close calls, but he always managed to get out of it without leaving a trace. It was lovely entertainment. Life would seem dull at times, and when it did he would find a new victim. Just get a little action in.

Of course Alastor never forgot Anthony, the house standing just next to his was a physical reminder of the boy he had spent so much time with. He often found Anthony crossing his mind every now and again, wondering what possibly could have become of him. Perhaps Anthony being gone played a role in the lack of life in his day to day, and possible also having a reason in the way Alastor avoided making new friends. But even so, his friendship with the blonde was a thing of the past, he understood that. It had been ten years since he'd seen him, and frankly, it didn't exactly matter to him anymore.

Alastor woke early that morning, his mother having already left for work. He put on a new shirt, grabbing his jacket and heading downstairs. Quickly making breakfast and getting his shoes, Alastor left his home no more than 15 minutes later. Walking at an almost jogging pace to catch the streetcar. His shift at work was the same as any other day. Along leaving people greeted him on the street. Occasionally having a few people complementing his performance that day. He would only smile and thank them, before heading on his way. Much like the way he was as a child, he didn't necessarily enjoy speaking to people, but when he did he would be as friendly as he could.

As he arrived at his street he walked down the sidewalk. Humming to himself as he spotted his mother speaking to a man on the porch of their house. He simply greeted the man and unlocked the door. Only hearing a brief, "Was that your boy?" From the man, before they were no longer within earshot. Alastor removed his coat, hanging it up and walking inside to get a glass of water about to start dinner. After about twenty minutes, a very happy looking Elisabeth walked inside. "How was work today mama?" He called to her. She walked into the kitchen, a giddy and excited look on his face. "It was wonderful Alastor! And I have some news for you." She said cheerfully. Alastor grabbed what they would need for cutlery and set it on the table. "Oh, do tell!" He said, his interest becoming more apparent at what she may have been talking to that man about. Who was he? Was he part of the news? "That was Anthony's father I was speaking to." She said as Alastor grabbed the plates. "They are moving back into their old home next door." Alastor took a moment to process her words while he walked before he dropped the plates, the bottom plate smashing on impact. His mother ran into the room to see the broken plate. "Good lord Alastor! Be careful!" She scolded, kneeling down to pick up the broken pieces. Alastor stood in shock. "As in...Anthony will be returning?" He asked. Elisabeth stood up, broken shards in hand as she went to throw them out. "Yes. His siblings too. He came back early with their things, Lucio will be bringing them on Wednesday." She said, walking back into the room where Alastor stood. "Isn't that exciting?" She asked. Alastor's smile only grew with every sentence his mother said. Quickly turning to face her. "This is marvellous news! Two days? Why that's an eternity! What a perfect way to start my evening! Thank you mama!" He stated, clapping his hands in excitement. Elisabeth sighed contently. It always made her happy to see her son like this. Anthony seemed to be the only one who had this effect on him, and did she ever miss it. "Well, Alastor. Let's eat. You have two days to wait. So let's just get along with our lives until then, staring at the clock will only make it feel longer." She said, sitting at the table. Alastor nodded, getting a new plate for his mother. Positively ecstatic at the thought that his childhood friend would be returning.

Alastor stepped outside to get a good look at his friends old house. Smiling to himself at the thought of him finally living in it again. Seeing his father leave the house, he shifted a little, trying to seem more like he was just casually standing on the porch. "Say Alastor." The man called. Alastor looked towards the man, cocking a brow. His father never really spoke to him before, Anthony always insisted he didn't go into his house. "God, have you ever changed." He said, more thinking out loud than anything else. "Yes well, ten years is a lot of time." The brunette said cheerfully. The man tilted his head. "Well one thing hadn't changed, I swear I've never seen you not smiling." He said, looking Alastor up and down. "My kids will be comin in a few days, but I bet your mom already told ya that." He said, walking over and stopping just in front of the porch. "Yes she did! Very exciting news indeed. I'm quiet interested in seeing what has become of them after all this time." He cheered. Smile only growing at the thought. "Well, molly hasn't changed, I'll tell you that. Lucio is quite the talented young man." He said, chuckling a little to himself. "And what of Anthony?" Alastor asked, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. "He's... he's certainly changed over the past few years. In more ways than one!" He said. Alastor only nodded, these little details only made his imagination run wild. "Well! I shall look forward to seeing all of them! I'll leave you to your evening." Alastor said, nodding at the man and turning to walk inside. Smile still very present. Wondering what he would say when he saw his old friend. The best way to greet him. All these thoughts just made him wish time could pass faster.

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