My world

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I wish to see it.

The glistening skies of hope.

The distant promised land.

The glory of greatness.

But such a place will only be found in a dream.

How I wish to be in world of my fantasies.

 Yet this world is my reality.

In my mind I am a valiant hero

Fighting an audacious villian.

In my head I am successful

Never batting a lash at the demons who doubt me

I am my own savior

In my mind I'm royalty 

I wish to see change

I complain

Yet I remain the same

Sitting back in my broken throne

Chained to the floor by my procrastination.

Ruling over a kingdom filled with self doubt.

I reach for the glimmering glow of my dreams

That i had unknowingly pushed further away

As I drowned in my own self destruction.

The shadows dance, swirl, and screech

And the demons are screaming.

Yet with each shriek I realize it is with my own voice they speak.

But the voice that should release from my own vocal cords stays within me,

An inaminate prisoner within my own body.

I wish to feel the ground breaing happiness that comes with achieving ones dreams.

And yet here I am with the eagerness of a sleeping sloth

Basking in my laziness.

Hardly noticing my dreams have slipped further away.

I hope one day I'll step out of my self made cage

And walk the road my dreams have laid out for me in order to find them again.

One day I'll take the key within my own hands

and unlock the chains of procrastination.

One day I'll dance  with the shadows that mock me as I mock them back,

I'll yell back at the demons that terrorize me.

And one that day I'll take my first step

The first of many on the path of my dreams.

I'd cast aside the cloak of secret self loathing that I had clung to in the past

In a futile attempt to spur some motivation through my past negativity.

On this road I will continue to allow the seed of self love to grow into a tree.

And it would grow so big and beautiful and so strong

That the deadly axe of negativity would never be able cut such a wonderful thing down.

I'd love myself unconditionally

And focus so purely on myself 

That blocking out the haters would become second nature.

As involuntary as my own breathing.

One day through my hardwork I'll finally catch up to my dreams.

One day I'll see the person I dreamed to be within my mirror

With a smile filled with contenment

And I'd know my regrets were slim to none.

When this day comes I will be happy with my world as it went froma dream to a reality.

Until then I will work n myself to take the first step.

Any cronstructiv ecriticism is welcome. I hope you liked my poem if you took the time to read it, thank you and have a good night.

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