Chapter 1

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Last time on the story. My mom find this men on Then went to dinner with him. I felt like he was weird and keep looking at me.😳👀 So after there dinner they came home.

Then my mom went up stairs and took some💤 pills. But she plan on having sex with him. My mom "didn't give a two shit about me!! So the man was in the bathroom when he came out. Then walk to my room I told him since my mom is sleep u can just leave.😒 He said"Or I can just stay here😏.

While closing my door. I said"What do u think ur doing?? Then told me ur so damn gorgeous!! I said thank u but can u leave!! Then push me on my bed and told me to"Take off ur clothes. So I did because he threaten to kill me.🔪 Then he got on top off me. I ask him to stop and try screaming!! But nobody heard me scream. So I try biting him. That what I though off.

Then moments later I hear my mom get up. I try to call her but then he cover my mouth. She said"Sweetie are u ok?? I'm like no mommy he touching me and went inside of me.😔😪 She bust open the door and see me tie up to the bed half naked.😠😡 Then see him in the conner "butt ass naked.🍑

So she went in her room and gave the broom. She beat the shot out off him. Then call 9-1-1 to have his ass arrest for raping my daughter. But it's my damn fault that she got rape. I said"Oh now u want to care about me!! U didn't care when u put that monster in the house when u know he was staring at me. The cops show up"Arresting Marcus. Then took me to the hospital.

Will she get aids😫😰or get pregnant😱 u will find out in the next chapter sorry it's short.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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