1 - Nobody, what the fuck?

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White's POV:

I was just minding my business, listening to the voices, drawing Error, you know, the normal stuff, when Nobody started talking. Now, I've learned to expect either chaos or something big regarding the Creators and Mods when Nobody starts talking, neither of which is particularly a good thing.

{GUESS WHAT!!! IM BACK BITCHESSSS!!! Anyways, I've decided to be an agent of chaos. So have fun! *yeets Quill and Feathers to Resetverse and cackles*}

"Nobody, what the fuck?" I complained. Things had been quiet around here. We hadn't had a major catastrophe since two or three resets ago, and everyone was just kind of vibing. "Can't you, like, not?"

{Oh, come onnnn. Feathers and Quill will get along great with you and Error! Besides, they got away from their Fate.}

"Fine, whatever." I sighed, texting Error that Nobody did something chaotic again. Once he'd responded with something bland and completely Error-like, I continued drawing. Might as well enjoy the peace while it lasted, heh. If these 'Feathers and Quill' came from where I think they did, our multiverse wasn't getting any relaxation any time soon. Fuckin' creators, man. They really love messing with us.

{New people, new people!!}

{Feathers and Quill!!}


{Since when was this Resetverse?}

{Since, like, a couple hours ago, get with the program.}

{Flightverse!!!! GUYS ITS FLIGHTVERSE!}

{Hello, Feathers, Quill, welcome to ResetVerse, I am the Observer, creator of your Multiverse, I allowed you to be saved by the voices and made sure Fate died, I am happy to finally talk to you... I will help where I can. You can call me Rai!

Also, hello White, pleasure to meet you, don't worry Feathers and Quill can't hear this part. And yes, we are going to cause quite a bit of chaos!}




{Stfu, we just wanna cause chaos XD ~Nobody}

"I-" Shaking my head, I decided to just let it happen. It's not like I can change it anyways. "I swear to Toby, if you guys set the multiverse on fire again, I will quit my job."

{Don't worry, Quill and Feathers are friendly! And floods are better... Never mind that! Hope Quill and Feathers can help you with Fate, - Rai The Observer}

"Good grief, you guys will be the end of me." I groaned, flipping off the sky. I guess I have to get Error here. And if Quill and Feathers are alternate versions of us, I guess it's time to whip out the omniverse nicknames again.

"You called?" I startled at Error's glitchy voice sounding out from in front of me.

"Yeah. Nobody and... Rai I think? Yeah, that sounds right. Nobody and Rai dropped another multiverse's you and me in ours." I closed my sketchbook and flopped onto the grass I'd been sitting on, looking up at the Doodlesphere's golden sky.

{HI! I'm Rai! If you're looking for Quill and Feathers I can ask them to come here? Not sure which AU they're in...}

{YO!!! 'Sup Rai. This is gonna be chaotic. *fades into silence again*}

"Sure, you can bring them here if you want." Error sighed, laying down next to me. "And Nobody? Fuck off."

I giggled at Error's response, but nodded in agreement nonetheless. "I can't wait to meet them! Their AU is Flightverse, right? I heard the Mods talking about it. It sounds so cool! I bet they have wings or something."

{Time to meet Black and White you two! Have fun! Don't die, piss off this Multiverse's Fate, she can't control you!}

A scream and a loud bit of static rang out as Rai dropped Quill and Feathers into the Doodlesphere. Unsure of whether they would actually have wings or not, I yelled at Error in panic. "BLACK! STRINGS, NET, NOW!"

"Got it." Error shot the strings out, cushioning the two humans' fall. Another bit of static came from the glitching one, likely the alternate version of Error. "That... could have been bad. GUYS STOP DOING THAT!"

"They won't listen, you know." I giggled, walking over to the net of blue string.

"Hey, it's better than dealing with the bitch who should never be near children, M- Fate." Alternate me glanced around, his eyes landing on alternate Error. Alternate Error didn't even look up. He just lifted his arm and gave alternate me the middle finger. "What? Nevermind, you would need a pencil and paper to tell me..."

"H-huh?" I whispered to Error. "What does that mean? D'you think he lost his voice or somethin'?"

Alternate Error finally looked up and nodded, presumably answering my question. Error looked at him strangely while the voices spammed "F" again.

"Anyways, nicknames? You can call me Quill!" Alternate me, now dubbed Quill spoke up.

"Hi! I'm this multiverse's Ink, you can call me White." I introduced myself with a wide smile, hoping to make them feel a bit more welcome.

"My Error is Feathers." Quill spoke again, trying to get up before grabbing one of the light red cut strings on his wrists. Ugh... Fate's strings. Probably an FGOD AU, poor guys.

"I'm Black. No, it's not based on our bone colour. It just worked out that way." Error's voice glitched violently as he spoke to the newly introduced Quill and Feathers. He dismissed the strings, letting the humans fall onto the soft grass of the AU island.

"And Feathers, yes I noticed that they are living skeletons, did you not look at one of my older AUs? Back before we knew She was a bitch? SkeletonTale? You would be freaking out way less if you had." Quill said, sounding somewhat irritated, but more fond than anything. Feathers shook his head in response. This might actually be alright! Oh, who am I kidding this is going to end in a catastrophe...

Resetverse (Squares, Circles, and Save Stars) Meets FlightverseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora