Jackson looked at the man and frowned, "Why do I need this?" She asked so very confused as she lifted the sword, pulling it out she found it to be just the right weight, at least that's what she assumed, since she'd never used or even held a sword before. She looked up at the man, "I don't even know who you are." Jackson raised an eyebrow as he pulled a card from his pocket, "The name's Connor, though you'd be calling me Professor Garvin." The man, Connor explained as he handed her the envelope as well.

"You are cordially invited to spend four years at The Academy." Jackson read aloud after opening the letter, "Honestly this all sounds like some sort of fictional book." She turned to her parents, both of whom were looking very confused. The two of them shrugged and looked at the Professor as well, "What exactly is this, Academy?" Her father, Jason Perez asked, his forehead creased in worry and curiosity as he tilted his head slightly to the left.

The man looked at them, his gray eye filled with wonder as he smiled, "Oh, why it's only the best school in the district," He said looking at Jackson, "Well in our district at least, the children are taught as they would be at any other school, but they are also trained in combat and they are guided in how to use their magic." The professor explained. Jackson looked at her parents in confusion, "What about them?" She asked.

Her father, Jason, looked at the man and let out an odd sort of chuckle, "Listen kid, I don't know what kind of thing you think you have going on, but my family wants no part in it." He said, trying to usher Jackson and her mother back into the house. Connor shook his head, "Sir, please I'm not a child, in fact I'm about two hundred and thirty one years older than you, and I am in fact not trying to lie." He said, reaching to grab Jason's sleeve.

Jackson looked over at Connor, "Am I allowed to say no?" She asked, not really wanting to leave her parents just to go to some school that probably wasn't even as it had been described, "Is my life in immediate danger if I say no?" Connor looked at her, "You could lose control of your magic, kill everyone you love and end up locked away in one of our high security prisons." He explained as if it was routine.

Melissa looked over and took her daughter's hand, "I want you to go, please. I know why should you? But I went there when I was your age and I want you to be safe." She said, not letting go of her daughter, "Magic, no matter how amazing it sounds is a dangerous thing, and it's certainly not a game." Melissa said softly, letting go of Jackson's hand and looking at Connor.

Connor nodded, "I'll be waiting outside for you, just get into the car on the left of the sidewalk." He said, tipping his hat to them and walking back out, taking the sword case with him and getting into a sleek black car that hadn't been there moments before. Jackson blinked, was she hallucinating? Was this some sort of cruel trick her parents were playing on her?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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