| day 2th ❤️ |

21 3 4

"thank you again for the ride !"

"no problem !"they left . now it's just me infront of yg building . it's look new tho , can't believe it . i walk inside , suddenly stop at vending machine to get some drink .

"hyung hyung hyung hyung hyung , wait up !"

"hurry up , junghwan !"

i heard footsteps towards me , but i just brush it off . my drink popped out from the vending machine , i quickly open it and drank it . "argh ~ feel so refresh ~"i moans in relief .

i turn around but suddenly i bump into someone , my drink accidently spill at his shirt . i gasp . "omg , im so sorry !"i apologies to him and bow . "arh it's ok"he seem chill . i look behind him , it's a younger looking boy .

i reach a handkerchief from my pocket and gave it to him . "please take this"i said and bow again . before he could say anything , i walk away but still hear him shout .

"i will return it back ! my name is choi hyunsuk !"

'choi hyunsuk ? hope i will remember that face and name . he's kinda cute tho'i though and mentally blushing .

- at blackpink's practice room -

wow , i can hear they all shouting . i was standing infront the door , and wore my mask . "are you gonna pretend to be a dance teacher ?"the staff recording me . "yes , now shhh"i laid one finger .

i leave my luggages with the staff's . so i open the door , acting strict . "ok girls , let's practice"i said with acting deep voice . "oh , now ?"lisa pouts . i nodded . jisoo unnie who staring at me suspicious .

"you kinda familiar to me"she point at me , i gulped . i fixed my hat . "ok start"i tried to hold my laugh but someone turn me around and snatch my mask .

"LUNA ?!"they were shocked . i just standing there , gulp nervously . "h-hi-"they all attack me with hug before i could say anything . "WE MISS YOU SO MUCH !"they squeals . the four of them keep asking question like .

"how are you ?"

"wow you got skinny now"

"you glow up ?"

"when did you get to korea ?"

my head feel spinning , i had no choice but stop them from asking too much . "guys guys guys , i came all the way here just todayyyyy ok"i said , they all made an 'o' mouth .

"plus i meet a handsome guy at this building"i act struggle . jisoo unnie then glare at me , I REPEAT she glare at me and you guys don't know how protective much she is . "who ? and what's his name ?"lisa unnie wiggle her eyebrows .

"let me guess umm , hyunsukkie ? sukkie ?"i tape my chin repeated . "excuse you , you mean choi hyunsuk ?"rosé unnie raised her left eyebrow . "aha ! yeap , that's him"i exclaim . they all gasp . "aaw our little dongsaeng have a crush on choi hyunsuk ~"jennie unnie tease me .

i admit that i was blushing when remember his face across my mind . "is it true ? you like him ?"jisoo unnie ask me . "w-we just m-met at the vending machine , i was grab a drink but then i spill to his shirt , it was an accident i swear !"i sutter .

they listen to me carefully . "w-well maybe , umm i mean we kinda just met , i guess i have a crush on him already"i can feel butterflies flying at my stomach . suddenly they cheer and ran around like a five years old kid .

"YALL BITCHES HEAR THAT , MY SISTER LIKES CHOI HYUNSUK FUCK YEAH I KNEW IT"jisoo unnie shouted . i was so confused . "i thought you don't-"lisa unnie cover my mouth . "shhh , jisoo unnie , likes hyunsuk and we all trust him don't worry we know who he is"lisa giggles .

"so you guys are friends ?"i held her hand . "well kinda , treasure's member is our junior and the one which group debut last year"jennie unnie explain . i hummed . "you choose the right guy luna , i like him btw he's a great guy"jisoo unnie winks at me .

then we hear a song blasting and someone shouted .




soon their four turn to me . "treasure's member at the outside , come on young lady"they mentally dragged me to go there .


guess what happen ? :) hehehehe , please vote , comments , i love you ! thank you ! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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