Chapter #1 - Cheryl Dean

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18 Nov 2023 Prologue

The night sky stretched above, a tapestry of glittering stars that seemed to twinkle and dance above my head. A gentle breeze caressed my skin, sending a shiver down my spine as I stood gazing at the boundless expanse of the ocean. Amidst this tranquil scene, my thoughts became tangled in the enigma of life.  How can a life transform so profoundly from the mere threads of little expressions, the whispered words we choose, the actions we take, and the ever-shifting mosaic of people who drift in and out of our lives?

Hi, I am Viviane McAllen. Four years ago, I adored my life. I was blessed with a loving family, my high school days were behind me, and my boyfriend Nick Anderson, a devoted officer in our town 'Harmony Hollow' Police Department, had woven perfection into my life. he has become my first thought in the morning, and last thought before I fall asleep, and almost every thought in between. He makes me laugh like no other and kisses me like no other. He always holds my hand and inspires me with his uplifting words, and for all these reasons I loved my life. Yet, the whims of fate are a mystery, capable of changing our lives in an instant.

Chapter 1: Cheryl Dean

12 March 2018

I was sitting on a bus, heading home from college for a semester break, on a typical Thursday evening. My blonde hair was tied into a ponytail, and I slung my backpack over one shoulder, and I had my Air-pods popped playing Frank Edward's 'Changing Lives.' The journey back home would take about an hour, so I mostly stared out the window. That's when a woman suddenly bumped into me.

"I'm sorry," she stammered, her leg trembling as her eyes darted nervously around the bus.

"It's okay," I replied, noting her uneasy condition. She had three travel bags with her—two large duffel bags and one smaller bag that had fallen on to the floor of bus. In her arms, she cradled a baby girl dressed in a pink blouse.

I felt an immediate urge to help. "Do you need some help?" I asked calmly.

"Yes, thank you," the woman said and handed me the baby before I could bend down to pick up her bags. I was taken aback by how readily she entrusted me with the baby. As she placed the infant in my arms, I felt an inexplicable sensation, something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

The baby appeared to be about 3-4 months old, with a doll-like beauty, sporting brunette hair and captivating dark brown eyes. "Your baby is very pretty," I commented, smiling at the little one.

"Thank you," the woman replied abruptly, her demeanor still somewhat uneasy. "What's her name?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued, as the woman picked up the smallest bag.

"Cheryl Dean," she said with a smile. "Oh! It's a very cute name, Cheryl," I complimented the baby.

"What's your name, young lady?" the woman asked, curiosity now guiding her tone.

"I am Vivian." I introduced myself, extending my arm for a handshake while gently cradling the baby with my left hand. The woman stared at her now full hand holding her bags. I laughed awkwardly, realizing my mistake.

The woman introduced herself, saying, "I am Stephanie." I smiled in response.

"Viviane, is it?" Stephanie asked.

"Yes," I confirmed, continuing to rock the baby gently in my arms. "I'm actually a babysitter, so don't worry about me holding her. I can take care of her until you reach your stop." I offered her help.

However, the atmosphere suddenly shifted as Stephanie's expression turned to one of desperation and sadness. "I am sorry," Her voice was barely audible, leaving me perplexed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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