17- Quarantine

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A/N: I just thought it would be funny to call this chapter like this because... you know...Lmao... anyway you can start reading now. 

A day and a half passed, and I am still at the Gryffindor Common Room. The meals served straight us by the elves from the kitchen. Often a Professor came by to count the students. Although I wasn't in Gryffindor's house Professor McGonagall let Professor Flitwick, head of my house, that I was alright and that I will stay by her protection for the following hours.

The students were by their friend's groups around the room. Some were studying, some were chatting, some were eating, and some were even sleeping. I spotted Harry, Ron, Hermione, and their friends Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, and Dean Tomas, in the center of the room, while I was sitting with my brothers and their friends in the south corner.

In the first hours, they tried to stay calm and not show me their concern. Fred and Lee showed me some really cool card tricks I can use on my friends. After some time even they couldn't avoid the situation and started to talk about it. There were no rumors since no one was allowed to be out, so all we did was to conspire.

Many thoughts I had in my head as you can see, but one thing I knew for sure; It was not good. As a Ravenclaw, my brain worked for me on that, and I had too many ideas inside it; 

One thought was that it has something to be with the Muggles; Maybe they found out about us and declared war, Mabey their government is taking our world under their control. 

I had another thought, completely different, something to do with the wizarding world itself and not from the outside. Maybe a war started? like it was before

"Would you like some, miss?" A voice shook me out of my thoughts. I turned my head to see a kind house-elf holding a palate of fruits in his hands. "Yes, please." I nodded and took two red apples and one cluster of grapes. The elf nodded and turn to offer it to other students. 

I took a bite from the apple while the painting hole for the common room opened and Professor McGonagall walked in quietly; reaching to one of the Gryffindor's Prefects, order him something, and after he nodded she and turned back out.

I followed with my eyes after the Professor and then explored the room; I realized only a few students have noticed what I saw, they were looking at the Prefect hoping for information, but after they realized they won't get them they continued to their own business. So did I.

But not a minute after, the Prefect himself is behind me, tipping gently on my back; "Yes?" I turned to her, "Ready to go back to your house?" he said in a high voice tone, and a big smile; too much wide. I'm so sick of this ."I am, but you can stop now with that weird smile you're doing, it's creepy, I'm not a puppy I'm a girl."

He was shocked. I could hear the chuckles and the laughs filling the room with joy. "Nice one, Sophie!" George called out. The Prefect turned out to be a Weasley, and that made it even funnier to Fred and George. "Excuse me..." Percy Weasley looked at me with an angry impression on his face just nodded towards the exit, and then walked there; not before stoping, waiting for me to follow. "Bye, pals." I waved, I notice Jake's lips moving without a sound;"be safe", I nodded with a smile and exited the room among Percy Weasley.

While exiting I thought for a split second that something crossed beside me, I felt the touch on my shoulder like something bumped into me. But when I turned around I saw nothing. I took a deep breath and mumbled "It's nothing, you're freaking out for nothing." Percy stopped and turned to me, "Did you say something?", he must have heard me mumbled. I shook my head and my thoughts and we continued our way to the Ravenclaw common room; to my actual house.

I missed the girls so much, I hope they aren't worried about me, or maybe worst, mad. Mad I am not with them right now, well not that it was up to me, this curfew nor the situation were something I could have control. But knowing my girls, they would never think bad at me, or everyone in our group. They're the PERFECT friends. And with that thoughts, I left the subject.

We reached a spiral staircase, and while Percy turned his hills and went back to his common room I went upstairs. Finally, I reached the handleless door, and I looked at the smooth surface of old wood, and the bronze hammer in the shape of an eagle. The eagle opened its beak and start to ask his password-question;

"I stay in the corner but travel around the world. Who am I?"

But before I could answer it 'a stamp', I felt a hand holding my right shoulder.


"shush! Sophie, please be quiet."

I cover my mouth with my hands, obeying the mysterious voice, staring at the direction the voice came from, I stared at the nothing, air. I looked around in confusion and when I backed to look at the source of the voice, then I saw three forms who appeared from literally nowhere.

"Harry? Ron? Hermione? What do you think you're doing???"

"'Told you we should have taken off the cloak before we speak." Hermione glared at Ron and Harry, who tried hard not to laugh. "Yeah, we should have," Ron admitted. 

"It's alright, but wh-what are you doing here? there is a curfew and ho-how did you do that appearing thing? It was awesome! Wow, I need to relax." I took a deep breath. 

"There is no time to explain, long story short I have an invisibility cloak and we're here for you. Back at the common room, we heard Mcganagall ordering Ron's brother to get you back to your common room and thought this is a great opportunity to sneak out and find some answers to what is really happening."

"Oh, cool can I join?" That is stupid, Harry just said they're here for me. great job Sophie.

"We just said it." Ron said confusedly.

"Yes, I'm sorry, it's this strange situation. That was dumb. Let's just go..."

I took a last glance at the door, visualizing the girls sitting together at the armchairs,

 without me.

Hi guys this is the end of chapter 17, the action finally starts!

#1 To make clear as I said before I've changed some things from the original plot, like Hermione isn't petrified and the curfew... I wanted to make some twists. Also, I wondered how to call this chapter- 'Curfew' or 'Quarantine' and I like it more, I believe you can understand why.

#2 Hope you like the chapter! The next one will be next week, and the first year of Sophie at Hogwarts will come to an end in only a few chapters! I already have ideas for her journey!

#3 I will be so much grateful if you help me to get more readers and to get to a wider audience- friends, family... whoever you think will like to read this story.

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