What Capricorn thinks of the signs

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Aries: "I dunno, you're just angry all of the time"

Taurus: "You're just power hungry"

Gemini: "Two-faced as fuck"

Cancer: "I feel like you repress your rage a lot, get some therapy"

Leo: "You just think about yourself, I don't like you at all-"

Virgo: "You're an efficient person, you value work"

Libra: "Did you know that if you smile you can't feel your tongue? ;)"

Scorpio: "You're manipulative"

Sagittarius: "You're I R R E L E V A N T "

Capricorn: ":) you cool"

Aquarius: "You're too cool to be my friend, therefore we should fuck."

Pisces: "I thought you were an emotional person at first, boy was I wrong."

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