Chapter 7: The Cat Whisperer

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“Do you want to go see Tucker and Whitney?” Ben asks. 

It is the day after the squirrel incident. I tilt my head. I love going to see Tucker and Whitney. Actually, I love going to their house. I think I am invisible to Tucker and Whitney. They ignore me while I run around and play. But with Jack Jack the cat, adults and kids everywhere, a big fenced yard, and long hallways for playing, it’s always an adventure at their house. 

“Do you want to see Tucker and Whitney?” Ben says. I tilt my head the opposite direction. 

Why is he asking me the same question twice?

I sneeze at him, run to the door, and wait for the family to get ready. Peach waits on the couch. She isn’t excited because she doesn’t understand. We haven’t visited Tucker and Whitney since Peach came home. Eventually all six of us load up into the car and start the journey to Tucker and Whitney’s house. 

When we arrive, they are waiting by the front door. As usual, they greet Hannah, Nate, Ben, and Lucy, but ignore me. I think they are jealous of my curly tail. Peach tries to bring both dogs a toy, but they also ignore her. 

At least I am not the only dog they ignore. 

I greet Nate’s dad and mom with a wagging tail and licks to the hands. Soon Peach and I are playing in the long hallway with Lucy and Ben. Tucker and Whitney jump into our game of fetch. We have a great day of fun. 

When the darkness comes, I follow Lucy upstairs for bed. Midway up the stairs, Jack Jack’s smell tickles my nose. I burst up the stairs and find the black fluff of cat sitting on the opposite end of the room. I run straight to him, eager to play. When I am a pug length away, I stop. 

Jack Jack is hissing and turning into a puffball. I start sneezing. The puffier he gets, the more I start sneezing. I take a step toward him, risking a swat in the face. He hisses louder, and I start barking. 

Why won’t he play with me? 

“Zelda,” I hear someone yell, and footsteps approach from the stairs. Hannah is walking toward us. Jack Jack uses Hannah as a distraction and lunges for me. I leap at him, trying to grab a piece of his long, black, curly tail. My maneuver catches Jack Jack off guard; his tail smacks me in the face. I try to grab it with my mouth, but the tail is gone before I can do anything. Jack Jack darts in the direction of the gated room, but he freezes halfway to his destination. I follow his gaze to see Peach at the top of the steps. She is slowly walking toward Jack. We have him cornered. 

“Zelda, leave it,” Hannah says. She isn’t happy with me, but I can’t resist messing with, I mean, playing with Jack Jack. Peach and I remain motionless with our eyes on him. Suddenly he bolts between us and down the stairs. We give chase and crash into each other, tumbling down the steps after Jack. When we make it to the bottom, he is gone–disappeared into thin air. 

Peach and I follow his scent to a small hole in a door. Peach looks at me and nudges me toward the hole. She can’t fit in the hole, but I might be able to get through. I poke my head in it and see Jack Jack waiting for me at the bottom of another set of stairs. I know this is my opportunity. I have no idea what to do when I get to Jack Jack or even what I want to do. I just know I need to get to him. 

I back out of the hole, get a little speed, and jump through it. It doesn’t feel good as I go through, but somehow I make it. I run down the stairs toward Jack Jack. This time I don’t stop when I get close. I can’t control myself. Jack Jack wants no part of me. He runs the opposite direction in the basement. I chase him, but he quickly leaps onto a table in the middle of the room. I have no way up to the table; I sit on the ground looking at him. 

He uses my momentary pause to leap off the table and race up the stairs. I follow, but it’s too late. He is gone through the hole in the door. 

Hissssss. Rufff. Rufff. Hissssss. Rufff.


I sprint again and jump through the hole, sucking in my belly as I jump. When I cross into the room, I don’t see Peach or Jack. I walk into the living room—all I see is my family, but no animals. I double back and walk upstairs, following the scent of Jack and Peach into the bedroom. Peach and Jack are lying on the bed next to each other. 

What happened?

I jump onto the bed. Nobody moves. Peach nods. I walk over to Jack Jack. I start sneezing again, but he doesn’t budge. I am unsure what to do next. Since I am a pug, I figure a nap is as good of an idea as any other. I lie down next to Peach and Jack Jack. Jack Jack moves his head so it’s resting on my body. I smile as my eyes grow heavy.

The rest of the trip is a barrel of fun between Peach, Jack Jack, and me. We play hide-and-seek throughout the house. I enjoy every minute, but wonder through it all what happened between Peach and Jack Jack. I don’t think I will ever know.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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